Tutorial by Examples

Example below inserts value into the table from the previous example: declare query_text varchar2(1000) := 'insert into my_table(id, column_value) values (:P_ID, :P_VAL)'; id number := 2; value varchar2(100) := 'Bonjour!'; begin execute immediate query_text using id, value; end; / ...
Let's update table from the first example: declare query_text varchar2(1000) := 'update my_table set column_value = :P_VAL where id = :P_ID'; id number := 2; value varchar2(100) := 'Bonjour le monde!'; begin execute immediate query_text using value, id; end; /
This code creates the table: begin execute immediate 'create table my_table (id number, column_value varchar2(100))'; end; /
You can execute anonymous block. This example shows also how to return value from dynamic SQL: declare query_text varchar2(1000) := 'begin :P_OUT := cos(:P_IN); end;'; in_value number := 0; out_value number; begin execute immediate query_text using out out_value, in in_value; dbms_o...
It's very easy to install nedb. npm install nedb --save # Put latest version in your package.json For bower loving people, bower install nedb
While building electron apps, usually the backend is in separate folder (js files) and front end is in a separate folder (html files). In the backend, in order to use the database, we have to include the nedb package with the require statement as follows. var Datastore = require('nedb'),db = new Da...
Basically, in order to insert records to nedb, the data is stored in the form of json with the key being the column names and the value for those names will be the values for that record. var rec = { name: 'bigbounty',age:16}; db.insert(rec, function (err, newrec) { // Callback is optional ...
In order to search for records in nedb, again we need to just pass the json containing the search criteria as a parameter to the find function of db object. db.find({ name: 'bigbounty' }, function (err, docs) { // docs is an array containing documents that have name as bigbounty // If no docu...
In order to remove documents in nedb, it's very easy. We just have to use remove function of db object. db.remove({ name: 'bigbounty' }, function (err, numremoved) { // numremoved is the number of documents that are removed. });
Commands are used for handling Events in WPF while respecting the MVVM-Pattern. A normal EventHandler would look like this (located in Code-Behind): public MainWindow() { _dataGrid.CollectionChanged += DataGrid_CollectionChanged; } private void DataGrid_CollectionChanged(object sender, S...
How comp, comp-1 ... comp-5 are implemented is implementation dependent. Format Normal Implementation Comp Big endian binary integer Comp-1 4 byte floating point Comp-2 8 byte floating point Comp-3 Packed decimal 123 is stored as x'123c' Comp-5 Binary In...
The default style files generated and compiled by @angular/cli are css. If you want to use scss instead, generate your project with: ng new project_name --style=scss If you want to use sass, generate your project with: ng new project_name --style=sass
Yarn is an alternative for npm, the default package manager on @angular/cli. If you want to use yarn as package manager for @angular/cli follow this steps: Requirements yarn (npm install --global yarn or see the installation page) @angular/cli (npm install -g @angular/cli or yarn global add @an...
Let's write a small program which will open a window, and write "Hello World" on the screen. #include <SFML\Graphics.hpp> #include <cassert> int main() { sf::RenderWindow sfmlWin(sf::VideoMode(600, 360), "Hello World SFML Window"); sf::Font font; /...
This example shows an efficient way of calculating power using template metaprogramming. template <int base, unsigned int exponent> struct power { static const int halfvalue = power<base, exponent / 2>::value; static const int value = halfvalue * halfvalue * power<base, e...
.container has one fixed width for each screen size in bootstrap (xs,sm,md,lg); .container-fluid expands to fill the available width. @media (min-width: 568px) { .container { width: 550px; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .container { width: 970px; } } @media (min-width: 1...
In order to view tables in a database, use the .tables command. Example: sqlite> .tables table1 table2 table3 table4 table5
This is a simple example on how you can automate tests for a console application that interact with standard input and standard output. The tested application read and sum every new line and will provide the result after a single white line is provided. The power shell script write "pass"...
Acknowledgement This example is adapted from this article on type inference What is type Inference? Type Inference is the mechanism that allows the compiler to deduce what types are used and where. This mechanism is based on an algorithm often called “Hindley-Milner” or “HM”. See below some of th...
=> Original Post <= ASP.NET Core uses the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to determine the current environment. By default, if you run your application without setting this value, it will automatically default to the Production environment. > dotnet run Project TestApp (.NETC...

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