Tutorial by Examples

In Android Activities and Services, most callbacks are run on the main thread. This makes it simple to update the UI, but running processor- or I/O-heavy tasks on the main thread can cause your UI to pause and become unresponsive (official documentation on what then happens). You can remedy this by...
YourAsyncTask task = new YourAsyncTask(); task.execute(); task.cancel(); This doesn't stop your task if it was in progress, it just sets the cancelled flag which can be checked by checking the return value of isCancelled() (assuming your code is currently running) by doing this: class YourAsyn...
Sometimes, we need to update the progress of the computation done by an AsyncTask. This progress could be represented by a string, an integer, etc. To do this, we have to use two functions. First, we need to set the onProgressUpdate function whose parameter type is the same as the second type parame...
This tutorial explains how to download Image using AsyncTask in Android. The example below download image while showing progress bar while during download. Understanding Android AsyncTask Async task enables you to implement MultiThreading without get Hands dirty into threads. AsyncTask enables pro...
It is common for an AsyncTask to require a reference to the Activity that called it. If the AsyncTask is an inner class of the Activity, then you can reference it and any member variables/methods directly. If, however, the AsyncTask is not an inner class of the Activity, you will need to pass an A...
When first introduced, AsyncTasks were executed serially on a single background thread. Starting with DONUT, this was changed to a pool of threads allowing multiple tasks to operate in parallel. Starting with HONEYCOMB, tasks are executed on a single thread to avoid common application errors caused ...
AsyncTask is an abstract Class and does not inherit the Thread class. It has an abstract method doInBackground(Params... params), which is overridden to perform the task. This method is called from AsyncTask.call(). Executor are part of java.util.concurrent package. Moreover, AsyncTask contains 2 ...

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