Tutorial by Examples

Open a new blank document in the MATLAB Editor (in recent versions of MATLAB, do this by selecting the Home tab of the toolstrip, and clicking on New Script). The default keyboard shortcut to create a new script is Ctrl-n. Alternatively, typing edit myscriptname.m will open the file myscriptname.m ...
In MATLAB, the most basic data type is the numeric array. It can be a scalar, a 1-D vector, a 2-D matrix, or an N-D multidimensional array. % a 1-by-1 scalar value x = 1; To create a row vector, enter the elements inside brackets, separated by spaces or commas: % a 1-by-4 row vector v = [1, 2...
MATLAB allows for several methods to index (access) elements of matrices and arrays: Subscript indexing - where you specify the position of the elements you want in each dimension of the matrix separately. Linear indexing - where the matrix is treated as a vector, no matter its dimensions. That ...
MATLAB comes with many built-in scripts and functions which range from simple multiplication to image recognition toolboxes. In order to get information about a function you want to use type: help functionname in the command line. Lets take the help function as an example. Information on how to use...
Just like all programming language, Matlab is designed to read and write in a large variety of formats. The native library supports a large number of Text,Image,Video,Audio,Data formats with more formats included in each version update - check here to see the full list of supported file formats and ...
Elements of the same class can often be concatenated into arrays (with a few rare exceptions, e.g. function handles). Numeric scalars, by default of class double, can be stored in a matrix. >> A = [1, -2, 3.14, 4/5, 5^6; pi, inf, 7/0, nan, log(0)] A = 1.0e+04 * 0.0001 -0.0002 0...
MATLAB code can be saved in m-files to be reused. m-files have the .m extension which is automatically associated with MATLAB. An m-file can contain either a script or functions. Scripts Scripts are simply program files that execute a series of MATLAB commands in a predefined order. Scripts do no...
There are 16 fundamental data types, or classes, in MATLAB. Each of these classes is in the form of a matrix or array. With the exception of function handles, this matrix or array is a minimum of 0-by-0 in size and can grow to an n-dimensional array of any size. A function handle is always scalar (1...
Basics Anonymous functions are a powerful tool of the MATLAB language. They are functions that exist locally, that is: in the current workspace. However, they do not exist on the MATLAB path like a regular function would, e.g. in an m-file. That is why they are called anonymous, although they can h...

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