Tutorial by Examples

struct Repository { let identifier: Int let name: String var description: String? } This defines a Repository struct with three stored properties, an integer identifier, a string name, and an optional string description. The identifier and name are constants, as they've been decla...
Unlike classes, which are passed by reference, structures are passed through copying: first = "Hello" second = first first += " World!" // first == "Hello World!" // second == "Hello" String is a structure, therefore it's copied on assignment. Structu...
A method of a struct that change the value of the struct itself must be prefixed with the mutating keyword struct Counter { private var value = 0 mutating func next() { value += 1 } } When you can use mutating methods The mutating methods are only available on str...
Unlike classes, structures cannot inherit: class MyView: NSView { } // works struct MyInt: Int { } // error: inheritance from non-protocol type 'Int' Structures, however, can adopt protocols: struct Vector: Hashable { ... } // works
In Swift, structures use a simple “dot syntax” to access their members. For example: struct DeliveryRange { var range: Double let center: Location } let storeLocation = Location(latitude: 44.9871, longitude: -93.2758) var pizzaRange = DeliveryRange(range: 200...

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