Tutorial by Examples: 1

1. Overview In this article we are going to discuss how to get started with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). We will use JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final, but you are free to use any server of your choice. 2. Maven Dependencies for Bean In order to use EJB make sure you add the latest version of it to the depende...
Sometimes we want to use a where query on a a collection of records returned which is not ActiveRecord::Relation.Hence we get the above error as Where clause is know to ActiveRecord and not to Array. There is a precise solution for this by using Joins. EXAMPLE:- Suppose i need to find all user ...
You need to change price scope 'Global' to 'website' (Sysytem->Configuration->Catalog->Catalog->Price) $client = new SoapClient('http://your-web-site/api/soap/?wsdl'); $API_USER = 'your-api-user'; $API_KEY = 'your-api-key'; $session = $client->login($API_USER, $API_KEY); $result...
I need to query all the details from virtual machine and update into the MongoDB. Which require the output look like this. { "_id" : ObjectId("5800509f23888a12bccf2347"), "ResourceGrp" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp", "ProcessTime" : ISODate(&q...
Open Visual Studio 2015, navigate to Tools → Extensions → Online and search for Antlr. Download the extension ANTLR Language Support (Created by Sam Harwell) and restart Visual Studio. Create new Console Application Project. Right click on the Solution → Manage Nuget Packages for Solution → Brows...
Create a new ASP.Net Project: Select the empty template: Add two new folders: App and Scripts in the root folder: Add npm configuration file in the root folder: { "version": "1.0.0", "name": "phaser.js.environment.setup", "priva...
ROT13 is a special case of Caesar cipher, with a 13 shift. Only letters are changed, and white-space and special characters are left as they are. What is interesting is that ROT13 is a reciprocal cipher : applying ROT13 twice will give you the initial input. Indeed, 2 * 13 = 26, the number of lette...
Dim cars(2) cars(0) = "Ford" cars(1) = "Audi" cars(2) = "Prius"
In mysqld.cnf or equivalent: [mysql] prompt = '\u@\h [\d]> ' This achieves a similar effect, without having to deal with .bashrc's.
Create In order to perform a Create operation via REST, you must perform the following actions: Create an HTTP request using the POST verb. Use the service URL of the list to which you want to add an entity as the target for the POST. Set the content type to application/json. Serialize the JSON...
In vbscript, an object doesn't necessarily need a designated type. Similar to C#'s var variable. Dim ExampleString1 As String Dim ExampleString2
C++11 offers tools that enhance the functionality of RAII-encapsulated OpenGL objects. Without C++11 features like move semantics, such objects would have to be dynamically allocated if you want to pass them around, since they cannot be copied. Move support allows them to be passed back and forth li...
PS1 is the normal system prompt indicating that bash waits for commands being typed in. It understands some escape sequences and can execute functions or progams. As bash has to position the cursor after the displayes prompt, it needs to know how to calculate the effective length of the prompt strin...
Registration in AppDelegate import UserNotifications in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert,.sound,.badge]) { (granted, error) in // Here you can check Request is Granted or not. } Create and Schedule notificat...
1)Took backup of Machine.config from locations C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config and C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config 2)Copy them to different location and edit them as a)locate and add under <system.data> <DbProviderFactories> ...
Service broker is technology based on asyncronous communication between two(or more) entities. Service broker consists of: message types, contracts, queues, services, routes, and at least instance endpoints More: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522893.aspx
NOTES: We are going to install Magento 2 on fresh Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS with PHP 7.0, MySQL 5.6 and Apache 2.4. 1. Setup Requirements Apache 2.2 or 2.4 with mod_rewrite module (or) Nginx >= 1.8. PHP 5.5 or later version. PHP 7.0 also supported. Required PHP-Modules – PDO/MySQL, mbstring, ...
Step 1: Create an empty project via File -> New Project. Step 2: Right click the project solution and select Build Dependencies->Build Customizations. Step 3: Check the checkbox ".masm". Step 4: Press the button "ok". Step 5: Create your assembly file and type in th...
A generic Car class has some car property and a description method class Car{ name:string; engineCapacity:string; constructor(name:string,engineCapacity:string){ this.name = name; this.engineCapacity = engineCapacity; } describeCar(){ console....
SQlite example Step by step Explanation The steps below demonstrate how to include this component in a Xamarin.Forms Shared Project: to add packages in (pcl,Andriod,Windows,Ios) Add References Click on Manage Nuget packages ->click on Browse to install SQLite.Net.Core-PCL , SQLite Net Ext...

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