Tutorial by Examples: actions

As an example you want to disable pagination in your default index action and get all results in index. How can you do that? It's simple. You should override the index action in your controller like this: public function actions() { $actions = parent::actions(); unset($actions['index'])...
Workflows can be somewhat limited in their functionality; for example, workflows cannot interact with line items. The Workflow Action script type is intended to be invoked by a Workflow to add scripting functionality to accomplish what the workflow itself cannot. Workflow Actions have a single onAc...
Sometimes you would want to start or remove an action on a specific node at a certain time. For example, you might want to stop a moving object when the user taps the screen. This becomes very helpful when a node has multiple actions and you only wants to access one of them. let move = SKAction.mov...
Active Record Transactions can be applied to Model classes as well as Model instances, the objects within the transaction block need not all be instances of same class. This is because transactions are per-database connection, not per-model. For example: User.transaction do account.save! prof...
To use the example above on a blade template to hide content from the user, you would typically do something like this: @can('view-content', $content) <! -- content here --> @endcan To completely prevent navigation to the content, you can do the following in your controller: if(Gate::a...
Via The User model The Laravel User model contains two methods that help with authorisations using Policies; can and can't. These two can be used to determine if a user has authorisation or not on a model respectively. To check if a user can view a content or not, you can do the following: if($us...
Menus act like all standard control items. They have an action which is the function to be called and a target which is the object to send the function to. If the target is set to an object then when a user selects a menu item it the action method will be sent to the target object. If the menu item ...
function exampleCloseIncident(id, status){ var parameters = {}; var incidentresolution = {}; incidentresolution["[email protected]"] = "/incidents(" + id + ")"; incidentresolution["@odata.type"] = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.incidentre...
If we want to disable all the actions like Copy, Paste, Replace, Select, etc from UITextField then we can use following custom text field: class CustomTextField: UITextField { var enableLongPressActions = false required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder)! } o...
For Swift 3.1: In the first example one can see how you would intercept the user interacting with a textfield while writing. Similarly, there are methods in the UITextFieldDelegate that are called when a user has started and ended his interaction with a TextField. To be able to access these method...
We’ll first go over gaze-based interactions. Gaze-based interactions rely on rotating our heads and looking at objects to interact with them. This type of interaction is for headsets without a controller. Even with a rotation-only controller (Daydream, GearVR), the interaction is still similar. Sinc...
from chempy import Equilibrium from sympy import symbols K1, K2, Kw = symbols('K1 K2 Kw') e1 = Equilibrium({'MnO4-': 1, 'H+': 8, 'e-': 5}, {'Mn+2': 1, 'H2O': 4}, K1) e2 = Equilibrium({'O2': 1, 'H2O': 2, 'e-': 4}, {'OH-': 4}, K2) coeff = Equilibrium.eliminate([e1, e2], 'e-') coeff [4, -5...

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