Tutorial by Examples: application

Once the Symfony Installer is available, create your first Symfony application with the new command: # Linux, Mac OS X $ symfony new my_project_name # Windows c:\> cd projects/ c:\projects\> php symfony new my_project_name This command can be run from anywhere, not necessarily from t...
We have a sample Spring boot application which stores user data in MongoDB and we are using Rest services to retrieve data First there is a domain class i.e. POJO @Document public class User{ @Id private String id; private String name; } A corresponding repository based on ...
There are situations when you need to calculate something really large in your Flash application, while not interrupting the user's experience. For this, you need to devise your lengthy process as a multi-step process with saved state between iterations. For example, you need to perform a background...
Steps to Create component: Create a folder named components in your project root folder Create your component inside components folder e.g.: MyComponent.php namespace app\components; use Yii; use yii\base\Component; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; class MyComponent ...
The Application directive defines application-specific attributes. It is provided at the top of the global.aspx file. The basic syntax of Application directive is: <%@ Application Language="C#" %> The attributes of the Application directive are: AttributesDescriptionInheritsThe...
Partial application means calling a function with less arguments than it has and saving the result as another function (that waits for the rest of the arguments). multiplyBy: Int -> Int -> Int multiplyBy x y = x * y multiplyByTwo : Int -> Int -- one Int has disappeared! we ...
Ring is de-facto standard API for clojure HTTP applications, similar to Ruby's Rack and Python's WSGI. We're going to use it with http-kit webserver. Create new Leiningen project: lein new app myapp Add http-kit dependency to project.clj: :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0&quot...
The most important application events are: Application_Start - It is raised when the application/website is started. Application_End - It is raised when the application/website is stopped. Similarly, the most used Session events are: Session_Start - It is raised when a user first requests a page...
The setup on the app side requires two things: Configuring the app’s entitlement, and enabling the universal links by turning on the Associated Domains capability in the project. Handling Incoming Links in your AppDelegate. 1. Configuring the app’s entitlement, and enabling universal links. ...
Starting from a fresh installation of Codeigniter 3, here is a simple way to start with an Hello World application, to break the ice with this solid PHP framework. To do this you can start creating the view that we want to be shown for our Hello World app. We are going to put it in your applicatio...
Electron ports HTML web applications to native applications for a range of devices, including creating native desktop applications. It's also very easy to get started! To begin, we must have electron, nodejs, npm, git and meteor installed. Familiarity with these tools is vital for working with Mete...
Let's download a Meteor Todos example project, using a Linux shell (command line) script, to test out Electrifying a project for the first time: Requirements for this section: Git apt-get install git-all There are many ways to install Git. Check them out here. git is a version control sys...
The following example shows a basic main GUI window with a label widget, a toolbar, and a status bar using PyQt4. import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui class App(QtGui.QApplication): def __init__(self, sys_argv): super(App, self).__init__(sys_argv) self.build_ui() ...
When you deploy your app to a (Node.js-specific) hosted environment, this environment usually offers a PORT-environment variable that you can use to run your server on. Changing the port number to process.env.PORT allows you to access the application. For example, http.createServer(function(reques...
You can use the node-inspector. Run this command to install it via npm: npm install -g node-inspector Then you can debug your application using node-debug app.js The Github repository can be found here: https://github.com/node-inspector/node-inspector Debugging natively You can also debu...
boot -d seancorfield/boot-new new -t app -n <appname> This command will tell boot to grab the task boot-new from https://github.com/seancorfield/boot-new and execute the task with the app template (see link for other templates). The task will create a new directory called <appname> wi...
To create a Grails application, use the grails create-app command. The following command creates a Grails application, named myapp in the current directory: grails create-app fancy-app Running it, is as simple as visiting the, newly created, application directory: cd fancy-app and then grai...
A region declared as a web application, as opposed to a web document. In this example, the application is a simple calculator that might add two numbers together. <div role="application"> <h1>Calculator</h1> <input id="num1" type="text"> +...
public class MainApplication extends Application { private static Context context; //application context private Handler mainThreadHandler; private Toast toast; public Handler getMainThreadHandler() { if (mainThreadHandler == null) { mainThreadHand...
Download the Datastax PHP driver for Apache Cassandra from the Git project site, and follow the installation instructions. We will be using the "users" table from the KillrVideo app and the Datastax PHP driver. Once you have Cassandra up and running, create the following keyspace and tabl...

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