Tutorial by Examples: arc

USE AdventureWorks2012; GO CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON Production.Document ( Title Language 1033, DocumentSummary Language 1033, Document TYPE COLUMN FileExtension Language 1033 ) KEY INDEX PK_Document_DocumentID ...
SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE CONTAINS(product_description, ”Snap Happy 100EZ” OR FORMSOF(THESAURUS,’Snap Happy’) OR ‘100EZ’) AND product_cost < 200 ; SELECT candidate_name,SSN FROM candidates WHERE CONTAINS(candidate_resume,”SQL Server”) AND candidate_division ...
To list local branches that contain a specific commit or tag git branch --contains <commit> To list local and remote branches that contain a specific commit or tag git branch -a --contains <commit>
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("myfolder", "archive.zip") Create archive.zip file containing files which are in myfolder. In example paths are relative to program working directory. You can specify absolute paths.
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("archive.zip", "myfolder") Extracts archive.zip to myfolder directory. In example paths are relative to program working directory. You can specify absolute paths.
' Create filestream to file Using fileStream = New IO.FileStream("archive.zip", IO.FileMode.Create) ' open zip archive from stream Using archive = New System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive(fileStream, IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode.Create) ' create file_in_archive.txt in arch...
To print a test field (TestField) from a test feature class (TestFC) in a test file geodatabase (Test.gdb) located in a temporary folder (C:\Temp): with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(r"C:\Temp\Test.gdb\TestFC",["TestField"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: print row[0]
In Emacs, basic search tool (I-Search) allows you to search after or before the location of your cursor. To search for sometext after the location of your cursor (search-forward) hit C-s sometext. If you want to go to the next occurence of sometext, just press C-s again (and so on for the ne...
To search for text foo within a {} block surrounding the cursor use the following command (<ESC> - escape key, <CR> - enter key) : vi{<ESC>/\%Vfoo<CR> now you can jump between the matches within the block by pressing n and p. If you have hlsearch option enabled this will ...
An example of a class that contains a parcelable class inside: public class Repository implements Parcelable { private String name; private Owner owner; private boolean isPrivate; public Repository(String name, Owner owner, boolean isPrivate) { this.name = name; ...
build.gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.3.0' compile 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding:rxbinding-appcompat-v7:0.4.0' } menu/menu.xml: <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.c...
A common and task of someone using the Linux Command Line (shell) is to search for files/directories with a certain name or containing certain text. There are 2 commands you should familiarise yourself with in order to accomplish this: Find files by name find /var/www -name '*.css' This will...
Custom Setting Custom Setting Field Custom Setting Field Value When the field is checked the validation rule will be disabled, for the running user or in this example, their profile - The rule can also be disabled for a whole Salesforce org - Validation Rule AND( /* the below is the...
Explanation In this example a simple Trigger has been created to change the Close Date of an Opportunity, that's about to be inserted or updated, to a date 10 days in the future. The Apex Controller custom setting's checkbox field enables the code to be disabled at the user / profile / org level. ...
Tests if the [x,y] point is inside a closed arc. var arc={ cx:150, cy:150, innerRadius:75, outerRadius:100, startAngle:0, endAngle:Math.PI } function isPointInArc(x,y,arc){ var dx=x-arc.cx; var dy=y-arc.cy; var dxy=dx*dx+dy*dy; var rrOuter=arc.outerRadiu...
Build: xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa \ -archivePath "/Users/username/Desktop/MyiOSApp.xcarchive" \ -exportPath "/Users/username/Desktop/MyiOSApp.ipa" \ -exportProvisioningProfile "MyCompany Distribution Profile" Archive: xcodebuild -pro...
There is an example for extract a folder from an archive in the current location : tar -xf archive-name.tar If you want to extract a folder from an archive to a specfic destination : tar -xf archive-name.tar -C ./directory/destination
There is an example of listing content : tar -tvf archive.tar The option -t is used for the listing. For listing the content of a tar.gz archive, you have to use the -z option anymore : tar -tzvf archive.tar.gz
/** * Created by Nick Cardoso on 03/08/16. * This is not a complete parcelable implementation, it only highlights the easiest * way to read and write your Enum values to your parcel */ public class Foo implements Parcelable { private final MyEnum myEnumVariable; private final M...
The FIND statement can work with regular expressions directly: DATA(lv_test) = 'The quick brown fox'. FIND REGEX '..ck' IN lv_test. " sy-subrc == 0 FIND REGEX 'a[sdf]g' IN lv_test. " sy-subrc == 4

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