Tutorial by Examples: attribut

At the very core, your entity main DAC must have GUID column (NoteID) to reference CSAnswers table and must have field that identify the class of the Entity. We will make use of Order Type to define list of attributes to gather particular order type-specific information. Create a Graph Extension f...
PDO::setAttribute sets an attribute on the database handle. Desctiption of setAttribute is: public bool PDO::setAttribute ( int $attribute , mixed $value ) PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE: This attribute is used for error reporting. It can have one of the following values. PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT: If the ATTR...
General Description A formula in Acumatica is a DAC field that is calculated based on the values of other object fields. To calculate a formula, Aсumatiсa framework provides a set of various operations and functions (such as arithmetical, logical, and comparison operations and string processing fu...
Introduction The PXSelectorAttribute attribute (also referred to as the selector), while vital and frequently used, has however two major drawbacks: It gives an uninformative message "<object_name> cannot be found in the system" if no items are found to satisfy the selector condi...
The function validateattributes can be used to validate an array against a set of specifications It can be therefore used to validate the input provided to a function. In the following example, the function test_validateattributes requires three input function test_validateattributes(input_1,in...
app.component.html <div> <div> <div *ngFor="let user of users"> <button class="btn" [@buttonState]="user.active" (click)="user.changeButtonState()">{{user.firstName}}</button> <...
This is an example of an attribute that I created to validate that required parameters have been assigned in the request object receive in a POST route. I decided on this approach because the standard ModelState.IsValid approach was not valid. This is because the required attributes vary based on wh...
[HttpPost] [Route("api/Fitbit/Activity/Stats")] public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ActivityStats(FitbitRequestDTO request) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PatientId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.DeviceId)) ret...
HTML5 defines some HTML attributes as boolean; a boolean can only be true or false. The specification simply states that the presence of a boolean attribute implies that the attribute is set to true. In example using a disabled attribute in the following example disables the button input element: &...
This example shows a simple global definition of a complexType. The definition is considered global as it is a child of the xs:schema. Globally defined types can be used elsewhere in the schema. This is the most common form for declaring a global xs:complexType, it defines the child elements using ...
By convention elementFormDefault is always set to qualified, but lets look at what it actually does. First with elementFormDefault set to qualified. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!--Created with Liquid Studio 2017 (https://www.liquid-technologies.com)--&g...
Objective-C NSMutableAttributedString *mutAttString = @"string goes here"; NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, mutAttString.length); [mutAttString setAttributes:@{} range:originalRange]; As per Apple Documentation we use, setAttributes and not addAttribute. Swift mutAttString.setAttribu...
Custom attribute in sales related tables like: sales_flat_quote, sales_flat_order_item, sales_flat_order, etc table In your installation file sql/some_setup/mysql-install-0.1.0.php: <?php $installer = $this; $installer->startSetup(); $installer->addAttribute('quote', 'custom_field'...
bindings: { mandatory: '=' optional: '=?', foo: '=?bar' } Optional attributes should be marked with question mark: =? or =?bar. It is protection for ($compile:nonassign) exception.
Simply add an attribute to the controller action [Route("product/{productId}/customer")] public IQueryable<Product> GetProductsByCustomer(int productId) { //action code goes here } this will be queried as /product/1/customer and productId=1 will be sent to the controll...
Simply add an attribute to the controller action [Route("product/{productId}/customer")] public IQueryable<Product> GetProductsByCustomer(int productId) { //action code goes here } this will be queried as /product/1/customer and productId=1 will be sent to the controll...
Sometimes, you need to override one or more attributes of a particular Data Access Class (DAC) field just for a particular screen, without changing the existing behavior for other screens. Replacing All Attributes Suppose the original DAC field attributes are declared as shown below: public class...
The ValuesAttribute is used to specify a set of values for an individual parameter of a test method with parameters. [Test] public void Sum_Works_Correctly( [Values(1, 2, 3)] int x, [Values(4, 5)] int y) { // Arrange var calculator = new Calculator(...
To get the attribute of a WebElement, we use getAttribute on that WebElement. For example, consider the following html tag <a id="click" href="https://www.google.com"> We can find the Element's href attribute by WebElement e = driver.findElement(By.id("click&quot...
Updating Multi-Property Component Data To update component data for a multi-property component, we can pass the name of a registered component as the componentName, and pass an object of properties as the value. A string is also acceptable (e.g., type: spot; distance: 30), but objects will save A-F...

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