Tutorial by Examples: car

Consider a database with the following two tables. Employees table: IdFNameLNameDeptId1JamesSmith32JohnJohnson4 Departments table: IdName1Sales2Marketing3Finance4IT Simple select statement * is the wildcard character used to select all available columns in a table. When used as a substitute f...
When it comes to adding/removing channels to/from your channel groups, you need to have must have the manage permission for those channel groups. But you should never grant clients the permission to manage the channel groups that they will subscribe to. If they did, then they could add any channel t...
If you need to use the ^ character in a character class (Character classes ), either put it somewhere other than the beginning of the class: [12^3] Or escape the ^ using a backslash \: [\^123] If you want to match the caret character itself outside a character class, you need to escape it: ...
There are several ways to use a std::vector as a C array (for example, for compatibility with C libraries). This is possible because the elements in a vector are stored contiguously. C++11 std::vector<int> v{ 1, 2, 3 }; int* p = v.data(); In contrast to solutions based on previous C++ st...
In this example, we'll be looking at how to store a credit card using the PayPal vault, then reference that stored credit card to process a credit card transaction for a user. The reason why we would want to use the vault is so that we don't have to store sensitive credit card information on our ow...
In this tutorial we're going to learn how to set up the PayPal Android SDK to process a simple payment via either a PayPal payment or a credit card purchase. At the end of this example, you should have a simple button in an application that, when clicked, will forward the user to PayPal to confirm a...
CardView is a member of the Android Support Library, and provides a layout for cards. To add CardView to your project, add the following line to your build.gradle dependencies. compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:25.1.1' A number of the latest version may be found here In your layout you ...
The built-in mtcars data frame contains information about 32 cars, including their weight, fuel efficiency (in miles-per-gallon), speed, etc. (To find out more about the dataset, use help(mtcars)). If we are interested in the relationship between fuel efficiency (mpg) and weight (wt) we may start p...
The -Wildcard parameter allows switch statements to perform wildcard matching against conditions. Example: switch -Wildcard ('Condition') { 'Condition' {'Normal match'} 'Condit*' {'Zero or more wildcard chars.'} 'C[aoc]ndit[f-l]on' {'Range and set of chars...
To find every vector of the form (x, y) where x is drawn from vector X and y from Y, we use expand.grid: X = c(1, 1, 2) Y = c(4, 5) expand.grid(X, Y) # Var1 Var2 # 1 1 4 # 2 1 4 # 3 2 4 # 4 1 5 # 5 1 5 # 6 2 5 The result is a data.frame with one...
To create a PostgreSQL ArrayField, we should give ArrayField the type of data we want it to store as a field as its first argument. Since we'll be storing book ratings, we will use FloatField. from django.db import models, FloatField from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField cla...
$this->helper('checkout/url')->getCartUrl(); OR Mage::helper('checkout/url')->getCartUrl();
name:john* The * indicator allows you to do a wildcard search matching 0 or more characters after the search term john, will return documents containing john, johnson, john's, johnny and so on. name:do? The ? indicator allows you to do a wildcard search with a single character in the search term,...
// Instantiate Gift Card Model $gift_card = Mage::getModel('enterprise_giftcardaccount/giftcardaccount'); // Populate Gift Card values $gift_card // Your redeemable code, doesn't have to be in this format. ->setCode('2i2j2j-24k1ii1-67774k-231l') // Also has STATUS_DISABLED ...
If you have an instance of a generic type but for some reason don't know the specific type, you might want to determine the generic arguments that were used to create this instance. Let's say someone created an instance of List<T> like that and passes it to a method: var myList = new List&lt...
It's a regular pattern in design these days to vertically align call to actions inside its containing cards like this: This can be achieved using a special trick with flexbox HTML <div class="cards"> <div class="card"> <p>Lorem ipsum Magna proident ...
Start using File Uploads in Rails is quite simple, first thing you have to do is to choice plugin for managing uploads. The most common onces are Carrierwave and Paperclip. Both are similar in functionality and rich in documentation on Let's have an look on example with simple avatar upload image w...
Background If the Carry (C) flag holds a value that you want to put into a register, the naïve way is to do something like this: mov al, 1 jc NotZero mov al, 0 NotZero: Use 'sbb' A more direct way, avoiding the jump, is to use "Subtract with Borrow": sbb al,a...
The appcache will cause some confusion in your development workflow, because it hides Meteor's auto-updating features. When you turn off the server component of your app, the client portion in your browser will continue working. This is a good thing! But, you don't get the immediate feedback that ...
Due to not being Excel-VBA exclusive contents this Example has been moved to VBA documentation. Link: Dynamic Arrays (Array Resizing and Dynamic Handling)

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