Tutorial by Examples: condition

Remove all conditional format in range: Range("A1:A10").FormatConditions.Delete Remove all conditional format in worksheet: Cells.FormatConditions.Delete
Highlighting Duplicate Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueValues .DupeUnique = xlDuplicate With .Font .Bold = True .ColorIndex = 3 End With End With Highlighting Unique Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueVa...
Highlighting Top 5 Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddTop10 .TopBottom = xlTop10Top .Rank = 5 .Percent = False With .Font .Bold = True .ColorIndex = 3 End With End With
With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddAboveAverage .AboveBelow = xlAboveAverage With .Font .Bold = True .ColorIndex = 3 End With End With Operators: NameDescriptionXlAboveAverageAbove averageXlAboveStdDevAbove standard deviationXlBelowAverageBelow ...
Range("a1:a10").FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition With Selection.FormatConditions(1) .ReverseOrder = False .ShowIconOnly = False .IconSet = ActiveWorkbook.IconSets(xl3Arrows) End With With Selection.FormatConditions(1).IconCriteria(2) .Type = xlConditionValueP...
A generalization of std::condition_variable, std::condition_variable_any works with any type of BasicLockable structure. std::cv_status as a return status for a condition variable has two possible return codes: std::cv_status::no_timeout: There was no timeout, condition variable was notified st...
Except main @conditional annotation there are set of similar annotation to be used for different cases. Class conditions The @ConditionalOnClass and @ConditionalOnMissingClass annotations allows configuration to be included based on the presence or absence of specific classes. E.g. when OObjectDa...
A clean way to handle booleans is using an inline conditional with the a ? b : c ternary operator, which is part of Swift's Basic Operations. The inline conditional is made up of 3 components: question ? answerIfTrue : answerIfFalse where question is a boolean that is evaluated and answerIfTrue...
<View style={[(this.props.isTrue) ? styles.bgcolorBlack : styles.bgColorWhite]}> If the value of isTrue is true then it will have black background color otherwise white.
<Image style={[this.props.imageStyle]} source={this.props.imagePath ? this.props.imagePath : require('../theme/images/resource.png')} /> If the path is available in imagePath then it will be assigned to source else the default image path will be assigned.

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