Tutorial by Examples: conf

Using Alternatives Many Linux distributions use the alternatives command for switching between different versions of a command. You can use this for switching between different versions of Java installed on a machine. In a command shell, set $JDK to the pathname of a newly installed JDK; e.g....
To do this first locate config folder in your root. Then open connections.js Locate // someMysqlServer: { // adapter: 'sails-mysql', // host: 'YOUR_MYSQL_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS', // user: 'YOUR_MYSQL_USER', //optional // password: 'YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD', //optional /...
After installing a Java SDK, it is advisable to check that it is ready to use. You can do this by running these two commands, using your normal user account: $ java -version $ javac -version These commands print out the version information for the JRE and JDK (respectively) that are on your sh...
Autostash is a very useful configuration option when using rebase for local changes. Oftentimes, you may need to bring in commits from the upstream branch, but are not ready to commit just yet. However, Git does not allow a rebase to start if the working directory is not clean. Autostash to the res...
Create a new file in the application/config folder named email.php Set the parameters for sending email. These will load when you send your email. $config['newline'] = "\r\n"; //You must use double quotes on this one $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmai...
This example has two parts - some boilerplate steps for adding Castle Windsor to your WCF service, and then a simple, concrete example to show how we configure and use Windsor's container. That makes the example a little bit long. If you already understand using a DI container then you likely only ...
Cassandra will not require users to login using the default configuration. Instead password-less, anonymous logins are permitted for anyone able to connect to the native_transport_port. This behaviour can be changed by editing the cassandra.yaml config to use a different authenticator: # Allow anon...
By default each user will be able to access all data in Cassandra. You'll have to configuring a different authorizer in your cassandra.yaml to grant individual object permissions to your users. # Grant all permissions to all users # authorizer: AllowAllAuthorizer # Use object permissions manage...
zsh loads configuration from the ~/.zshrc file on startup. If you make changes to that file, you can either restart zsh or run the following command to reload the configuration. . ~/.zshrc You can alias this useful command in your ~/.zshrc like this: alias reload=". ~/.zshrc"
In Below sample we are creating one global javascript object dojoConfig which will contain all the configuration values. Note: dojoConfig is defined in a script block before dojo.js is loaded. This is of paramount importance—if reversed, the configuration properties will be ignored. <script...
Dojo received a new loader in Dojo 1.7 to accommodate for the toolkit's new AMD module format. This new loader added a few new configuration options that are crucial to defining packages, maps, and more. For details on the loader, see the Advanced AMD Usage tutorial. Important loader configuration p...
The following configuration options should be called on a Rails::Railtie object config.after_initialize: Takes a block which will be run after rails has initialized the application. config.asset_host: This sets the host for the assets. This is useful when using a Content Delivery Network. This i...
The following configuration options can be used for configuring assets config.assets.enabled: Determines whether the asset pipeline is enabled. This defaults to true config.assets.raise_runtime_errors: This enables runtime error checking. It's useful for development mode config.assets.compress:...
Rails allows you to configure what generators are used when running rails generate commands. This method, config.generators takes a block config.generators do |g| g.orm :active_record g.test_framework :test_unit end Here are some of the options OptionDescriptionDefaultassetsCreates asset...
Manage Roles Global Roles- Create roles with selected set of Jenkins features e.g. Usually for a development project, 2 roles can be created. Developer- Global role can be set to only Overall : Read ProjectOwner- Global role can be set to Overall : Read This restricts developer and project ...
Generic redirect to https: # Enable Rewrite engine RewriteEngine on # Check if URL does not contain https RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [NC] # If condition is true, redirect to https RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L] Generic redirect to http: # Enable Rewrite engine Rewr...
Add the following directive before using any other mod_rewrite directive (RewriteRule, RewriteCond, RewriteBase or RewriteMap). RewriteEngine on By default the engine is turned off. mod_rewrite directives found while the engine is turned off are ignored. Enable it from within the virtual host co...
Important: Using the dynamic configuration files (.htaccess) is a big performance hit. When you have access to the static configuration file (httpd.conf or something similar) you should use that instead. In the static configuration file, allow dynamic configuration files to override "Filei...
Groups can be configured under Suite and/or Test element of testng.xml. All groups which are marked as included in tesng.xml will be considered for execution, excluded one will be ignored. If a @Test method has multiple groups and from those groups if any single groups is excluded in testng.xml that...

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