Tutorial by Examples: configure

Open the file App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs. Add the following using statements: using ProductService.Models; using System.Web.OData.Builder; using System.Web.OData.Extensions; Then add the following code to the Register method: public static class WebApiConfig { public static void Register...
<bindings > <wsHttpBinding > <binding name="mybinding" > <security mode="Transport" > <transport clientCredentialType="Basic"/ > </security > </binding > </wsHttpBinding > </bindings > ...
Here we will be creating a Groovy pipeline in Jenkins 2 to do the following steps : Verify every 5 minutes if new code has been commited to our project Checkout code from SCM repo Maven compile of our Java code Run our integration tests and publish the results Here are the steps we will : ...
This will download libpng from the official "git" repository and build it in your "libpng" directory. git clone https://github.com/glennrp/libpng.git libpng cd libpng ./autogen.sh ./configure [--prefix=/path] make install where "/path" points to the installation...
In your App_start folder open routeconfig.cs and do this routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, ...
Create a new controller foreg ControllerName: "Home", ActionresultName :"Index" open AreaRegistraion.cs and add the controller name and action name to be rerouted to context.MapRoute( "nameofarea_default", "nameofarea/{controller}/...
- Initially check your E-Mail Settings In Odoo go to Settings --> Email . Enter the field values in "Incoming Mail Servers" & "Outgoing Mail Servers" Options.
The local configuration of sane is inside /etc/saned.d /etc/sane.d/dll.conf # /etc/sane.d/dll.conf - Configuration file for the SANE dynamic backend loader # # Backends can also be enabled by configuration snippets under # /etc/sane.d/dll.d directory -- packages providing backends should drop...
Identify the local scanner By using lsusb, identify the productId (1909 here) : pi:# lsusb pi:# Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04a9:1909 Canon, Inc. CanoScan LiDE 110 With that productId, grep the correct configuration file (it depends of your scanner model, for me it is genesys.conf) : pi:# grep 190...
A Kubernetes cluster is controlled using the kubectl command. The method of configuring kubectl depends on where Kubernetes is installed. Google Cloud (Container Engine) To install kubectl using the Google Cloud SDK: gcloud components install kubectl To configure kubectl to control an existing...
Append the following command to the Codeship setup commands: meteor npm run mgp Now, we need to give Codeship access to these private repositories. There is a Codeship documentation article describing this process in detail but here are the steps that you have to take for Github: Create a new...
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="locations"> <list> <value>classpath:ReleaseBundle.properties</value> </list> </bean>
Go to the directory with the source code: cd freebsdsrc Go to the directory with the kernel's configuration code: # If your system is 32-bit. cd sys/i386/conf/ # If your system is 64-bit. cd sys/amd64/conf/ Get a copy of the GENERIC kernel (let's call it MODEDKERNEL). It will ...
Let's configure the destination directory for the root filesystem of your new FreeBSD (for example /usr/home/beastie/MODEDKERNEL). Add the following lines to /etc/src.conf to set it up: .if ${KERNCONF} == "MODEDKERNEL" DESTDIR?=/usr/home/beastie/MODEDKERNEL MODULES_OVERRID...
Create a file webpack.config.js in the root of your working directory Filename: webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: __dirname + "/src/index.jsx", devtool: "source-map", output: { path: __dirname + "/build", filename: "bund...
Create a file .babelrc in the root of our working directory Filename: .babelrc { "presets": ["es2015","react"] }
In the build.sbt file (or where the project is defined if it is in another location), add the following setting: scalacOptions += "-language:experimental.macros" For instance, a project might be defined like this: lazy val main = project.in(file(".")) // root project .se...
set clipboard=unnamed This makes it possible to copy/paste between Vim and the system clipboard without specifying any special register. yy yanks the current line into the system clipboard p pastes the content of the system clipboard into Vim This only works if your Vim installation has cli...
You must to add to web.xml a configuration tag like this: <context-param> <param-name>facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> Now you can use normal HTML comments tag <!-- and --> <!-- <...
File: /etc/resolv.conf contains a list of DNS servers for domain name resolution Sample contents of the file: nameserver # IP address of the primary name server nameserver # IP address of the secondary name server In case internal DNS server you can validate if this server reso...

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