Tutorial by Examples: documents

For the following schema: {name: 'Tom', age: 28, marks: [50, 60, 70]} Update Tom's marks to 55 where marks are 50 (Use the positional operator $): db.people.update({name: "Tom", marks: 50}, {"$set": {"marks.$": 55}}) For the following schema: {name: 'Tom', age:...
Import Element Tree module import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET Element() function is used to create XML elements p=ET.Element('parent') SubElement() function used to create sub-elements to a give element c = ET.SubElement(p, 'child1') dump() function is used to dump xml elements. ET.dump...
For inserting a new document in the collection, we create a object of the schema. var Auto = require('models/auto') var autoObj = new Auto({ name: "NewName", countOf: 10 }); We save it like the following autoObj.save(function(err, insertedAuto) { if (err) return cons...
Let's say you need to add a field to every document in a collection. import pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017) db = client.mydb.mycollection for doc in db.find(): db.update( {'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set': {'newField': 10} }, upsert=False, multi=False...
Using the --remote-debugging-port to expose a debugger accessible over HTTP is one way appliances can connect and interact with the document using the Chrome Debugging Protocol. chrome --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://stackoverflow.com You can then navigate to http://localhost:9222 ...
If we have a schema looking like: <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> <field name="name" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" /> the solrj co...
Swift 3 import UIKit // Save String to file let fileName = "TextFile" let documentDirectory = try FileManager.default.urlForDirectory(.documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true) var fileURL = try documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(fileName).ap...
Sweave from the utils package allows for formatting code, prose, graphs and tables together in a LaTeX document. Further Resources Knitr and RMarkdown
The MSBuildWorspace is built around the concept of handling MSBuild solutions (.sln files) and their respective projects (.csproj, .vbproj). Adding new projects and documents to this workspace is not supported. string solutionPath = @"C:\Path\To\Solution\Sample.sln"; MSBuildWorkspace ...
How to find documents created 60 seconds ago seconds = 60 gen_time = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) dummy_id = ObjectId.from_datetime(gen_time) db.CollectionName.find({"_id": {"$gte": dummy_id}}) If you're in a different timezone, y...
Then we finally pass the query to the writer to delete documents that match the query: See the answer to this question. See the API here // Remove the document by using a multi key query: // http://www.avajava.com/tutorials/lessons/how-do-i-combine-queries-with-a-boolean-query.html indexWriter....

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