Tutorial by Examples: 7

The following example is tested on Windows 8 pro 64-bit operating system with python 2.7 and scrapy v 1.2. Let assume that we have already installed the scrapy framework. MySQL database that we will use in the following tutorial CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `scrapy_items` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGN...
Binary Literals: The integral types (byte, short, int, and long) can also be expressed using the binary number system. To specify a binary literal, add the prefix 0b or 0B to the number. Strings in switch Statements: You can use a String object in the expression of a switch statement The try-wit...
This is a quick guide to get Robot Framework 3.0 working on a Windows machine using Python 2.7.11 - It does not go into too much depth on the why and how, it simply gets you up and running. First things are first, let't go and install Python! Download Python 2.7.11 for Windows. (Windows x86-64 ...
Below is the list of some mistakes that developers often make during the use of AngularJS functionalities, some learned lessons and solutions to them. 1. Manipulating DOM through the controller It's legal, but must be avoided. Controllers are the places where you define your dependencies, bind you...
<RangeSeekBar android:id="@+id/barPrice" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:barHeight="0.2dp" app:barHeight2="4dp" app:increment="7" ...
From Apple documentation for IV, This parameter is ignored if ECB mode is used or if a stream cipher algorithm is selected. func AESEncryption(key: String) -> String? { let keyData: NSData! = (key as NSString).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as NSData! ...
All images in this section are from the UK version of Outlook 2016. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you...
This example assumes two servers: dbserver (where our database lives) appclient (where our applications live) FWIW, both servers are SELinux enforcing. First, log on to dbserver Create a temporary directory for creating the certificates. mkdir /root/certs/mysql/ && cd /root/cer...
Given a normalized phone number like +178612345678 we will get a formatted number with the provided pattern. private String getFormattedNumber(String phoneNumber) { PhoneNumberUtil phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); Phonemetadata.NumberFormat numberFormat = new P...
This example demonstrate how to dynamically insert data into MySQL using Python Scrapy. You do not need to edit pipelines.py file for any project. This example can be used for all your project. Just yield you_data_dictionary from your Spider and inside pipelines.py a query will be created automat...
Commands: expdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> parfile=<exp.par> *Please replace the data in <> with appropriate values as per your environment. You can add/modify parameters as per your requirements. In the above example all the remaining parameters are added in parameter files as...
Download seed Run dotnet restore Run npm install Always. Enjoy. https://github.com/SamML/CoreAngular000
After php 5.4. 5.5 and 5.6 this new mayor update came. The update comes with many new programming features, techniques and ways of writing code. Installing PHP 7 could be done in multiple ways. To install it for a localhost development like WAMP or XAMPP either check for software updates from their...
std::scoped_lock provides RAII style semantics for owning one more mutexes, combined with the lock avoidance algorithms used by std::lock. When std::scoped_lock is destroyed, mutexes are released in the reverse order from which they where acquired. { std::scoped_lock lock{_mutex1,_mutex2}; ...
This will take about 30 minutes. We will be setting Ruby on Rails Development Environment on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak. You'll want to download the latest Desktop version here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/17.04/ Open up your terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T. Installing Ruby The First step is to ins...
iText 2 and earlier: import com.lowagie.text.*; iText 5: import com.itextpdf.text.*; iText 7: import com.itextpdf.kernel.*; import com.itextpdf.layout.*; ...
Pre-requisites AEM Installed on your server. Copy the path of the install (e.g: /mnt/crx) Start AEM (e.g java -jar cq-quickstart-author-p4502.jar) once. This will generate all the necessary folders, especially /mnt/crx/crx-quickstart/bin that is required by the scripts. Create a user who will h...
This is what I did to install CakePHP on a fresh installed minimal CentOS 7 Installed a CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1611.iso in VirtualBox, two network interfaces: first NAT, second Host-Only set ONBOOT=yes in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 reboot yum update yum install net-tools (to...
Step 1: Download and extract Drupal Drupal is available in two supported versions: the most recent and the previous. Currently that is Drupal 8 (released November 2015) and Drupal 7. The Recommended releases are the latest stable releases of either version. To learn more about versions, see the Dru...
Visual Studio Community 2017 Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developer Visual Studio Professional 2017 Professional developer tools, services, and subscription benefits for small teams Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 End-to-end solution to meet demand...

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