Tutorial by Examples: after

The ScheduledExecutorService class provides a methods for scheduling single or repeated tasks in a number of ways. The following code sample assume that pool has been declared and initialized as follows: ScheduledExecutorService pool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); In addition to the nor...
Normally, a Docker container persists after it has exited. This allows you to run the container again, inspect its filesystem, and so on. However, sometimes you want to run a container and delete it immediately after it exits. For example to execute a command or show a file from the filesystem. Dock...
// Java: long count = items.stream().filter( item -> item.startsWith("t")).count(); // Kotlin: val count = items.filter { it.startsWith('t') }.size // but better to not filter, but count with a predicate val count = items.count { it.startsWith('t') }
In case you have accidentally commited a delete on a file and later realized that you need it back. First find the commit id of the commit that deleted your file. git log --diff-filter=D --summary Will give you a sorted summary of commits which deleted files. Then proceed to restore the file b...
When a column name matches a reserved keyword, standard SQL requires that you enclose it in double quotation marks: SELECT "ORDER", ID FROM ORDERS Note that it makes the column name case-sensitive. Some DBMSes have proprietary ways of quoting names. For example, SQL Serve...
Sometimes you need rewrite history with a rebase, but git push complains about doing so because you rewrote history. This can be solved with a git push --force, but consider git push --force-with-lease, indicating that you want the push to fail if the local remote-tracking branch differs from the b...
Assumptions: An Oracle JDK has been installed. The JDK was installed to the default directory. Setup steps Open Windows Explorer. In the navigation pane on the left right click on This PC (or Computer for older Windows versions). There is a shorter way without using the explorer in...
Imagine you have the following HTML: <div> <label>Name:</label> John Smith </div> And you need to locate the text "John Smith" after the label element. In this case, you can locate the label element by text and then use .next_sibling property: from ...
Executing code after 1.5 seconds: Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //The code you want to run after the time is up } }, 1500); //the time you want to delay in milliseconds Executing code repeatedly every...
Imagine you have the following HTML: <div> <label>Name:</label> John Smith </div> And you need to locate the text "John Smith" after the label element. In this case, you can locate the label element by text and then use .next_sibling property: from ...
Given a file file.txt with the following content: line 1 line 2 line 3 You can add a new line after first matching line with the a command. For portable use the a command must be followed immediately by an escaped newline, with the text-to-append on its own line or lines. sed ' /line 2/a\ ...
Fire after the initialization of the content of the component or directive has finished. (Right after OnInit) import { Component, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'so-aftercontentinit-component', templateUrl: 'aftercontentinit-component.html', styl...
Fire after the view has been fully initialized. (Only available for components) import { Component, AfterContentChecked } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'so-aftercontentchecked-component', templateUrl: 'aftercontentchecked-component.html', styleUrls: ['aftercontentc...
Fires after initializing both the component view and any of its child views. This is a useful lifecycle hook for plugins outside of the Angular 2 ecosystem. For example, you could use this method to initialize a jQuery date picker based on the markup that Angular 2 has rendered. import { Component,...
Fire after the check of the view, of the component, has finished. (Only available for components) import { Component, AfterViewChecked } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'so-afterviewchecked-component', templateUrl: 'afterviewchecked-component.html', styleUrls: ['afte...
An annotated method with @Before will be executed before every execution of @Test methods. Analogous an @After annotated method gets executed after every @Test method. This can be used to repeatedly set up a Test setting and clean up after every test. So the tests are independent and preparation cod...
Usually grep prints only matching lines. In the example below seq 9 generates a list of numbers from 1 to 9, one per line, and grep prints a single matching line: seq 9 | grep 5 # 5 The -C n option (or --context=n in long form) prints n lines before and after each matching line, in addition to ...
When you have a Stream you need to map but want to preserve the initial values as well, you can map the Stream to a Map.Entry<K,V> using a utility method like the following: public static <K, V> Function<K, Map.Entry<K, V>> entryMapper(Function<K, V> mapper){ retu...
An example of "before" middleware would be as follows: <?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Closure; class BeforeMiddleware { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { // Perform action return $next($request); } } while &quot...
syncer = Queue.new a = Thread.new do syncer.pop puts "this happens at end" end b = Thread.new do puts "this happens first" STDOUT.flush syncer << :ok end [a, b].map(&:join)

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