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<htmlElement ng-controller="controllerName"> ... </htmlElement> <script> app.controller('controllerName', controllerFunction); </script>
This topic provides basic instructions for obtaining credentials for Watson services and provides relevant links for each service and the Watson Developer Cloud SDKs. Watson services homepages: AlchemyLanguage AlchemyData News Conversation Discovery Document Conversion Language Translatio...
notification name { email = [email protected], [email protected], ... post = http://example.com get = http://example.com next = another-notification-definition timeout = 30m runOnActions = false body = {"text": {{.|json}}} contentType = application/json print = true...
fun TypeName.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration fun <T: Any> TypeNameWithGenerics<T>.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration with Generics myObj.extensionName(args, ...) // invocation Extensions are resolved statically. This means that t...
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a platform and language independent way of serializing objects into plaintext. Because it is often used on web and so is PHP, there is a basic extension for working with JSON in PHP. string json_encode ( mixed $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $depth = 512 ...
Reflection is commonly used by programs which require the ability to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the JVM. Java Reflection API is used for that purpose where it makes it possible to inspect classes, interfaces, fields and methods at runtime, without knowing their...
$(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion(); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ active: 2 }); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ animate: 200 }); }); $(function() { $( "#selecter" ).accordion({ collapsible: true }); ...
Python makes regular expressions available through the re module. Regular expressions are combinations of characters that are interpreted as rules for matching substrings. For instance, the expression 'amount\D+\d+' will match any string composed by the word amount plus an integral number, separate...
Local notifications allow your app to notify the user about content which does not require the use of a server. Unlike remote notifications which are triggered from a server, local notifications are scheduled and triggered within an app. Notifications in general are targeted to increase user intera...
Some languages require you to define ahead of time what kind of variable you're declaring. JavaScript doesn't do that; it will try to figure that out on its own. Sometimes this can create unexpected behavior. If we use the following HTML <span id="freezing-point">0</span> ...
svn copy [BRANCH-FROM-URL] [BRANCH-TO-URL] -m <COMMIT-LOG-MESSAGE> svn copy [^/PATH-TO-BRANCH-FROM] [^/PATH-TO-BRANCH-TO] -m <COMMIT-LOG-MESSAGE> As you might have noticed, we use svn copy command to create branches, tags and shelves (we'll skip mentioning tags and shel...
for {clauses} body for {clauses} yield body for (clauses) body for (clauses) yield body ParameterDetailsforRequired keyword to use a for loop/comprehensionclausesThe iteration and filters over which the for works.yieldUse this if you want to create or 'yield' a collection. Using yield wil...
ASDF - Another System Definition Facility ASDF is a tool for specifying how systems of Common Lisp software are made up of components (sub-systems and files), and how to operate on these components in the right order so that they can be compiled, loaded, tested, etc.
lua_State *L = lua_open(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.0 lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.1+ int luaL_dofile(lua_State *L, const char *filename); // Run a lua script with the given filename using the specified lua_State void luaL_openlibs(lua_State *L); // Lo...
docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

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