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While not required, constructors in Java are methods recognized by the compiler to instantiate specific values for the class which may be essential to the role of the object. This topic demonstrates proper usage of Java class constructors. The Java Language Specification talks at length about ...
docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...] docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...] docker ps [OPTIONS] docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...] In the examples above, whenever container ...
Data in the world started to grow tremendously after mobile application came in the market. This huge amount of data became almost impossible to handle with traditional relational database - SQL. NoSQL databases are introduced to handle those data where much more flexibility came like variable n...
Notification.requestPermission(callback) Notification.requestPermission().then(callback, rejectFunc) new Notification(title, options) notification.close() The Notifications API was designed to allow browser access to notifying the client. Support by browsers might be limited. Also suppo...
As with other relational database systems, SQL Server exposes metadata about your databases. This is provided through the ISO Standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema, or the SQL Server-specific sys catalog views.
ParameterDetailscharacter_expressionthe existing string in your datastart_positionthe position in character_expression to delete length and then insert the replacement_stringlengththe number of characters to delete from character_expressionreplacement_stringthe sequence of characters to insert in c...
The source code for Reachability.h and Reachability.m can be found on Apple's developer documentation site. Caveats Unlike other platforms, Apple is yet to provide a standard set of APIs to determine an iOS device's network status and offer only these code examples linked above. The source fil...
Scollector can be used to monitor processes and services in Windows and Linux. Some processes like IIS application pools are monitored automatically, but usually you need to specify which processes and services you want to monitor.
<select name=""></select> <datalist id=""></datalist> <optgroup label="Option Group"></optgroup> <option value="">Option</option>
[[ -OP $filename ]] [[ $file1 -OP $file2 ]] [[ -z $string ]] [[ -n $string ]] [[ "$string1" == "$string2" ]] [[ "$string1" == $pattern ]] The [[ … ]] syntax surrounds bash built-in conditional expressions. Note that spaces are required on either side of th...
<element lang="language_code">   <!-- Language code has to be in the format [ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 ) --> The value of the lang attribute must be a valid BCP 47 language tag or the empty string (if the language is unknown). The BCP 47 ...
Recursion is mostly available in Perl-compatible flavors, such as: Perl PCRE Oniguruma Boost
Some times you need to create extended text documentation from you xml comments. Unfortunatly there is no standard way for it. But there are some separate projects that you can use for this case: Sandcastle Docu NDoc DocFX
WITH QueryName [(ColumnName, ...)] AS (   SELECT ... ) SELECT ... FROM QueryName ...; WITH RECURSIVE QueryName [(ColumnName, ...)] AS (   SELECT ...   UNION [ALL]   SELECT ... FROM QueryName ... ) SELECT ... FROM QueryName ...; Official documentation: WITH clause A Common ...
transition: [transition-property] [transition-duration] [transition-timing-function] [transition-delay]; ParameterDetailstransition-propertyThe specific CSS property whose value change needs to be transitioned (or) all, if all the transitionable properties need to be transitioned.transition-...

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