Tutorial by Topics: over

The process of overload resolution is described in the C# specification, section 7.5.3. Also relevant are the sections 7.5.2 (type inference) and 7.6.5 (invocation expressions). How overload resolution works will probably be changed in C# 7. The design notes indicate that Microsoft will roll out ...
ParameterDetailsPARTITION BYThe field(s) that follows PARTITION BY is the one that the 'grouping' will be based on The OVER clause determines a windows or a subset of row within a query result set. A window function can be applied to set and compute a value for each row in the set. The OVER claus...
Integer Literals is a numeral without a decimal point for example 0, 1, 42, ... is implicitly applied to fromInteger which is part of the Num type class so it indeed has type Num a => a - that is it can have any type that is an instance of Num Fractional Literals is a numeral with a ...
See also separate topic on Overload Resolution Ambiguities can occur when one type can be implicitly converted into more than one type and there is no matching function for that specific type. For example: void foo(double, double); void foo(long, long); //Call foo with 2 ints foo(1, 2);...
In C++, it is possible to define operators such as + and -> for user-defined types. For example, the <string> header defines a + operator to concatenate strings. This is done by defining an operator function using the operator keyword. The operators for built-in types cannot be change...
notification name { email = [email protected], [email protected], ... post = http://example.com get = http://example.com next = another-notification-definition timeout = 30m runOnActions = false body = {"text": {{.|json}}} contentType = application/json print = true...
#See https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/ for Go Template Action and Function syntax expression = alert status {{.Last.Status}} and a variable {{.Eval .Alert.Vars.q | printf "%.2f"}} expression = `Use backticks to span multiple lines with line breaks in the Bosun config file` templ...
Scollector is a monitoring agent that can be used to send metrics to Bosun or any system that accepts OpenTSDB style metrics. It is modelled after OpenTSDB's tcollector data collection framework but is written in Go and compiled into a single binary. One of the design goals is to auto-detect servi...
Overload resolution happens in several different situations Calls to named overloaded functions. The candidates are all the functions found by name lookup. Calls to class object. The candidates are usually all the overloaded function call operators of the class. Use of an operator. The candid...
NHibernate 3.0 introduced the QueryOver API, which combines the use of extension methods and lambda expressions to provide a statically typesafe wrapper around the ICriteria API. The ICriteria API is NHibernate's implementation of the Query Object pattern.
Resource Governor in SQL Server is a feature that allows you to manage resource usage by different applications and users. It kicks in realtime by setting CPU and memory limits. It will help preventing that one heavy process will eat up all system resources while for example smaller tasks are awai...
A normal function is never related to a function template, despite same name, same type. A normal function call and a generated function template call are different even if they share the same name, same return type and same argument list

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