Tutorial by Topics: shell

ParameterUsagehostnameThis parameter tells the host to which the connection needs to be establishedusernameusername required to access the hostporthost portpasswordpassword for the account
ParameterDescription-Help | -? | /?Shows the help-File <FilePath> [<Args>]Path to script-file that should be executed and arguments (optional)-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] }Commands to be executed followed by a...
Login Shell A login shell is one whose first character of argument zero is a -, or one started with the –login option. The Initialization is more comprehensive than in an normal interactive (sub) shell. Interactive Shell An interactive shell is one started without non-option arguments and with...
A secure shell is used to remotely access a server from a client over an encrypted connection. OpenSSH is used as an alternative to Telnet connections that achieve remote shell access but are unencrypted. The OpenSSH Client is installed on most GNU/Linux distributions by default and is used to conne...
By going through this document You can get to know how to use SQL queries with powershell ItemDescription$ServerInstanceHere we have to mention the instance in which the database is present$DatabaseHere we have to mention the database in which the table is present$QueryHere we have to the query whi...
Starting with PowerShell version 2.0, developers can create PowerShell modules. PowerShell modules encapsulate a set of common functionality. For example, there are vendor-specific PowerShell modules that manage various cloud services. There are also generic PowerShell modules that interact with soc...
PowerShell Workflow is a feature that was introduced starting with PowerShell version 3.0. Workflow definitions look very similar to PowerShell function definitions, however they execute within the Windows Workflow Foundation environment, instead of directly in the PowerShell engine. Several unique...
This documentation explains and provides steps to download latest artifact from a JFrog Artifactory repository using Powershell Script (v2.0 or below).
Download latest Artifact from Artifactory repository using shell script.
Manipulating Regex for IPv4 and IPv6 and replacing by fake IP address in a readed log file
adb shell opens a Linux shell in a target device or emulator. It is the most powerful and versatile way to control an Android device via adb. This topic was split from ADB (Android Debug Bridge) due to reaching the limit of examples, many of which were involving adb shell command. adb shell ...
JShell is an interactive REPL for Java added in JDK 9. It allows developers to instantly evaluate expressions, test classes, and experiment with the Java language. Early access for jdk 9 can be obtained from: http://jdk.java.net/9/ $ jshell — Start the JShell REPL jshell> /<command>...
PSScriptAnalyzer, https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer, is a static code checker for Windows PowerShell modules and scripts. PSScriptAnalyzer checks the quality of Windows PowerShell code by running a set of rules based on PowerShell best practices identified by the PowerShell Team and com...
login heroku login create app heroku create or heroku create your_name clone the example git clone https://github.com/zoutepopcorn/herokuworld cd herokuworld visit app in your browser https://your_name.herokuapp.com/ Optional test it local: heroku local web check: lolhost:5000 ...
There are many ways to interact with the operating system. From within Ruby you can run shell/system commands or sub-processes. Exec: Exec is very limited in functionality and when executed will exit the Ruby program and run the command. The System Command: The System command runs in a sub-...

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