Tutorial by Topics: str

When using Channel Groups, you should not add or remove channels in your client side applications. This example shows adding channels to a channel group and subscribing to that channel group for simplicity sake. But in a real world scenario, you should have your server do all the add/remove of cha...
Destructuring is a pattern matching technique that is added to Javascript recently in EcmaScript 6. It allows you to bind a group of variables to a corresponding set of values when their pattern matches to the right hand-side and the left hand-side of the expression. let [x, y] = [1, 2] let ...
While not required, constructors in Java are methods recognized by the compiler to instantiate specific values for the class which may be essential to the role of the object. This topic demonstrates proper usage of Java class constructors. The Java Language Specification talks at length about ...
Kotlin provides many extension methods on collections and iterables for applying functional-style operations. A dedicated Sequence type allows for lazy composition of several such operations. About laziness If you want to lazy process a chain, you can convert to a Sequence using asSequence(...
Unlike classes, a struct is a value type, and is created on the local stack and not on the managed heap, by default. This means that once the specific stack goes out of scope, the struct is de-allocated. Contained reference types of de-allocated structs are also swept, once the GC determines they ...
Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework used to create websites that are created using a mobile-first paradigm as well as responsive web design (RWD). It uses a combination of premade CSS classes and JavaScript to make a variety of things on the web. It includes things such as a custom,...
The NSString class is a part of Foundation framework to work with strings (series of characters). It also includes methods for comparing, searching and modifying strings. For nesting various types of objects and data-types into NSStrings refer to: Objective-C, Format Specifiers
'A string' // creates a string via single-quoted literal "A string" // creates a string via double-quoted literal String.new("A string") %q(A string) // alternative syntax for creating single quoted strings %Q(A string) // alternative syntax for creating double quoted stri...
uname - to print information about your operating system. uname [OPTION]
Set Color of Font Using NSAttributedString
Unlike many other languages, Rust has two main string types: String (a heap-allocated string type) and &str (a borrowed string, which does not use extra memory). Knowing the difference and when to use each is vital to understand how Rust works.
When storing and transforming data for humans to see, string formatting can become very important. Python offers a wide variety of string formatting methods which are outlined in this topic. "{}".format(42) ==> "42" "{0}".format(42) ==> "42" &quo...
Java StringBuilder class is used to create mutable (modifiable) string. The Java StringBuilder class is same as StringBuffer class except that it is non-synchronized. It is available since JDK 1.5. new StringBuilder () new StringBuilder (int capacity) new StringBuilder (CharSequenc...
"string literal" 'string literal' "string literal with 'mismatching quotes'" // no errors; quotes are different. "string literal with "escaped quotes"" // no errors; quotes are escaped. `template string ${expression}` String("a b c") // r...
Structures provide a way to group a set of related variables of diverse types into a single unit of memory. The structure as a whole can be referenced by a single name or pointer; the structure members can be accessed individually too. Structures can be passed to functions and returned from function...
String functions perform operations on string values and return either numeric or string values. Using string functions, you can, for example, combine data, extract a substring, compare strings, or convert a string to all uppercase or lowercase characters. CONCAT ( string_value1, string_value...
structure: /* code */ endstructure; When mixing the alternative structure for switch with HTML, it is important to not have any whitespace between the initial switch($condition): and first case $value:. Doing this is attempting to echo something (whitespace) before a case. All control stru...

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