Tutorial by Topics: ado

What is Apache Hadoop? The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computa...
box-shadow: none|h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit; ParametersDetailsinsetby default, the shadow is treated as a drop shadow. the inset keyword draws the shadow inside the frame/border.offset-xthe horizontal distanceoffset-ythe vertical distanceblur-radius0 by defau...
In most cases, the spread operator *. is identical to calling .collect { it.________ }. def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'fish'] assert animals*.length() == animals.collect { it.length() } But if the subject is null, they behave a differently: def animals = null assert animals*.length() == null...
The examples shown in this topic use early binding for clarity, and require a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Object x.x Library. They can be converted to late binding by replacing the strongly typed references with Object and replacing object creation using New with CreateObject where app...
ADO(ActiveX Data Objects).Net is a tool provided by Microsoft which provides access to data sources such as SQL Server, Oracle, and XML through its components. .Net front-end applications can retrieve, create, and manipulate data, once they are connected to a data source through ADO.Net with appropr...
Hadoop v1 commands: hadoop fs -<command> Hadoop v2 commands: hdfs dfs -<command>
AutoHotkey used to heavily rely on labels until version 1.1.20. It's reliance on labels had very serious disadvantages. The main one being that labels usually execute in the global scope meaning that any variable defined within a label will be globally available. This sounds great until you realiz...
Goes above methods, fields, classes or packages. Starts with /** Each line has an starting * proceding with the comments Ends with */ ParameterDetailsClass specific_@constructor detailExplains the main constructor of the classMethod specific_@return detailDetails about what is returned on...
Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, that uses non-blocking network I/O which allows it to scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. R...
A ReadOnlyCollection provides a read-only view to an existing collection (the 'source collection'). Items are not directly added to or removed from a ReadOnlyCollection. Instead, they are added and removed from the source collection and the ReadOnlyCollection will reflect these changes to the sou...
Before you can add ECS instances to a cluster you must first go to the EC2 Management Console and create ecs-optimized instances with an IAM role that has the AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy attached. Go to your EC2 Dashboard, and click the Launch Instance button. Under Community AM...
ConfigSlurper allows you to use another groovy script as a config file for your script instead of using, for example, a .properties file. You can do interesting configurations with typed properties and you don't need to convert from string. You can use lists, maps or a value based on some calcul...
This example shows how to change dynamically the Caption/Label of Customer Name field on Customer ScreenID AR303000 on Acumatica ERP, depending on current Customer ID selected on the same form. We could:
This section provides an overview of what adobe-analytics is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within adobe-analytics, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for adobe-analytics is new, you may need to create initial versio...

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