Tutorial by Topics: ble

example-2: This is serves as an example so just don't copy/past it. Instead, to suit your needs, you should customize its variables; ansible_key, security group rules etc.. example-1: To disable the ssh strict host key checking, a behavior we don't want when automating tasks, we set it to no in ...
CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [COMMENT table_comment] [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] I...
Public counter As Integer Private _counter As Integer Dim counter As Integer
Data.table is a package for the R statistical computing environment. It extends the functionality of data frames from base R, particularly improving on their performance and syntax. A number of related tasks, including rolling and non-equi joins, are handled in a consistent concise syntax like DT[...
Superglobals are built-in variables that are always available in all scopes. Several predefined variables in PHP are "superglobals", which means they are available in all scopes throughout a script. There is no need to do global $variable; to access them within functions or methods. ...
Variable scope refers to the regions of code where a variable may be accessed. This is also referred to as visibility. In PHP scope blocks are defined by functions, classes, and a global scope available throughout an application.
ScriptableObjects with AssetBundles Pay attention when adding prefabs to AssetBundles if they contain references to ScriptableObjects. Since ScriptableObjects are essentially assets, Unity creates duplicates of them before adding them to AssetBundles, which may result in undesired behaviour dur...
The assignment of string-literals in VBA is confined by the limitations of the IDE and the codepage of the current user's language settings. The examples above demonstrate the special-cases of escaped strings, special, non-printable strings and long string-literals. When assigning string-literals...
Variables are used for storing values. Let the value be of any type , we need to store it somewhere so that we can use it throughout the console/script. Variable names in PowerShell begin with a $, as in $Variable1, and values are assigned using =, like $Variable1 = "Value 1".PowerShell su...
Logging these queries is slow, even slower than Hibernate usually is. It also uses up a massive amount of log space. Do not use logging in scenarios where performance is required. Use this only when testing the queries that Hibernate actually generates.
Official docs explains playbook conditionals. http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_conditionals.html Ansible (github) https://github.com/marxwang/ansible-learn-resources
Making API requests with Angular 2 Http service and RxJS is very similar to working with promises in Angular 1.x. Use the Http class to make requests. The Http class exposes the methods for issuing HTTP requests GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD requests via corresponding methods. It also expo...
set varName ?value? unset ?-nocomplain? ?--? ?varName varName varName? puts $varName puts [set varName] variable varName global varName ?varName varName? Parameters enclosed within ?...? such as ?varName? represent optional arguments to a Tcl command. Documentation: global, upvar ...

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