Tutorial by Topics: dex

When you opt to implement App Indexing then you may find lots of blogs, documentation out there which may confuse you, in this case, I suggest you to stick to official docs provided by Firebase-Google. Even if you want to use third party to do this, first try follow this documentation because ...
Warning Prepared statement cannot care a wild parameter for the table names. For exemple this following statement is not correct : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM ? WHERE id = ? AND country = ?"; The correct prepared query would be : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM users WHE...
A more versatile alternative to VLOOKUP. An Index Match packs the power of a Vlookup and Hlookup in one formula. You also do not need to know which number column/row the information is. Due to this, deleting columns/rows will not mess up the formula.
Savepoints are "fat", externally stored checkpoints that allow us to resume a stateful flink program after a permanent failure, a cancelation or a code update. Before Flink 1.2 and the introduction of externalized checkpoints, savepoints needed to be triggered explicitly.
Kotlin has a built-in view injection for Android, allowing to skip manual binding or need for frameworks such as ButterKnife. Some of the advantages are a nicer syntax, better static typing and thus being less error-prone.
Accessing rows in a dataframe using the DataFrame indexer objects .ix, .loc, .iloc and how it differentiates itself from using a boolean mask.
For sites that rely on HTML by hand in the editor or excerpts, ones you want to code yourself, the auto line breaks can be an annoyance. You can disable them by removing these filters. These must be executed directly in an include file. Whether it is in functions.php or in another include file...
Here I will explain different index using example, how index increase query performance, how index decrease DML performance etc

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