Tutorial by Topics: fi

UITextField is part of UIKit framework and is used to display an area to collect text input from the user using the onscreen keyboard UITextField.text: String // get or set the text the field displays. UITextField.attributedText: NSAttributedString // get or set the attributed text the field ...
This extension filters data by either validating or sanitizing it. This is especially useful when the data source contains unknown (or foreign) data, like user supplied input. For example, this data may come from an HTML form. mixed filter_var ( mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT ...
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField class ArrayField(base_field, size=None, **options) FooModel.objects.filter(array_field_name__contains=[objects, to, check]) FooModel.objects.filter(array_field_name__contained_by=[objects, to, check]) Note that although the size param...
There are some cases where your application cannot manipulate the contents of assets loaded from an external resource (e.g. transform images). I can't remember for certain what they are, but I am fairly sure it's related to cross domain content loading.
JSONField(**options) Django's JSONField actually stores the data in a Postgres JSONB column, which is only available in Postgres 9.4 and later. JSONField is great when you want a more flexible schema. For example if you want to change the keys without having to do any data migratio...
A makefile is a text file which controls the operation of the make program. The make program is typically used to manage the creation of programs from their source files, but it can be more generally used to handle any process where files (or targets) need to be regenerated after other files (or ...
What is undefined behavior (UB)? According to the ISO C++ Standard (§1.3.24, N4296), it is "behavior for which this International Standard imposes no requirements." This means that when a program encounters UB, it is allowed to do whatever it wants. This often means a crash, but it may si...
response() responseData() responseString(encoding: NSStringEncoding) responseJSON(options: NSJSONReadingOptions) responsePropertyList(options: NSPropertyListReadOptions) ParameterDetailsMethod.OPTIONS, .GET, .HEAD, .POST, .PUT, .PATCH, .DELETE, .TRACE, .CONNECTURLStringURLStringConvertib...
The Manifest is an obligatory file named exactly "AndroidManifest.xml" and located in the app's root directory. It specifies the app name, icon, Java package name, version, declaration of Activities, Services, app permissions and other information.
Vue.filter(name, function(value){}); //Basic Vue.filter(name, function(value, begin, end){}); //Basic with wrapping values Vue.filter(name, function(value, input){}); //Dynamic Vue.filter(name, { read: function(value){}, write: function(value){} }); //Two-way ParameterDetailsnameString - ...
Most variables in C have a size that is an integral number of bytes. Bit-fields are a part of a structure that don't necessarily occupy a integral number of bytes; they can any number of bits. Multiple bit-fields can be packed into a single storage unit. They are a part of standard C, but there a...

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