Tutorial by Topics: is

git log [<options>] [<revision range>] [[--] <path>] git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<options>] git shortlog [<options>] [<revision range>] [[--] <path>] ParameterDetails-n, --numberedSort output according to the number of commits per author...
Related topics: Grand Central Dispatch Concurrency
Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is Apple's answer to multithreading. It is a lightweight framework for performing tasks synchronously or asynchronously in queues and handles CPU threads for you behind the scenes. Related Topic: Concurrency
This section provides an overview of what varnish is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within varnish, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for varnish is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
Over the years, InnoDB has improved to the point where it is almost always better than MyISAM, at least the currently supported versions. Bottom line: Don't use MyISAM, except maybe for tables that are truly temporary. One advantage of MyISAM over InnoDB remains: It is 2x-3x smaller in space r...
Important point to note while using condition The condition class is referred as direct class (not as spring bean) so it can't use the @Value property injection i.e. no other spring beans can be injected within it. From java docs - Conditions must follow the same restrictions as BeanFactoryPos...
This section provides an overview of what lisp is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within lisp, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for lisp is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.
What are Registers? The processor can operate upon numeric values (numbers), but these have to be stored somewhere first. The data are stored mostly in memory, or inside the instruction opcode (which is stored usually in memory too), or in special on-chip memory placed directly in processor, whic...
UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two View Controllers masterViewController(PrimaryViewController) and detailViewController(SecondaryViewController). we can send an array with two view controllers and Apple...
In iOS 8 and later, you can use the UISplitViewController class on all iOS devices, in previous versions of iOS, the class is available only on iPad. UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two UIViewControll...

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