Tutorial by Topics: ms

Every .NET library and programming language utilize a set of elementary data types like System.Int32, System.Object, System.Type or System.Uri. These data types form the base of all other structures including all custom written .NET libraries. All these types are hosted in a base library, which is...
NewFormSet = formset_factory( SomeForm, extra=2 ) formset = NewFormSet( initial = [ {'some_field': 'Field Value', 'other_field': 'Other Field Value',} ])
The DI Container/resolver we use internally in this library is Autofac. The testing framework is NUnit 3x. You should be able to use this library with any Xamarin.Forms framework Source and example project available here
public static int Input.touchCount public static Touch Input.GetTouch(int index)
this.myForm = this.formBuilder.group creates a form object with user's configuration and assigns it to this.myForm variable. 'loginCredentials': this.formBuilder.group method creates a group of controls which consist of a formControlName eg. login and value ['', Validators.required], where th...
Spark 2.0 has been released and contains many enhancements and new features. If you are using Spark 1.6 and now you want to upgrade your application to use Spark 2.0, you have to take into account some changes in the API. Below are some of the changes to the code that need to be made.
Create your own api with Microsoft SQL database and implemente them in Xamarin forms application.
This is a very basic example or starting Selenium, accessing and using a page and then shutting down Selenium within NUnit.
find_package(pkgname [version] [EXACT] [QUIET] [REQUIRED]) include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_search_module(prefix [REQUIRED] [QUIET] pkgname [otherpkg...]) pkg_check_modules(prefix [REQUIRED] [QUIET] pkgname [otherpkg...]) ParameterDetailsversion (optional)Minimum version of the package defined ...
You can refer to the official Xamarin Forms documentation to explore more: https://www.xamarin.com/forms
iText 5 is a library that has grown organically. Many developers contributed code. For instance: one developer contributed code to create form fields from scratch, using classes such as TextField and PdfFormField; another developer contributed code to change existing form fields, using the AcroFie...
The Java Message Service is a Java API that allows applications to create, send, receive, and read messages. The JMS API defines a common set of interfaces and associated semantics that allow programs written in the Java programming language to communicate with other messaging implementations. JMS e...

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