With AspNetCore you can develop the application on any platform including Mac,Linux,Window and Docker.
Installation and SetUp
Now you have all the tools available. To develop the application. Now you need some scaffolding option. For that you should consider using Yeoman. To install Yeoman
Install NPM. For this you need Node on your machine. Install from here
Install Yeoman by using NPM
npm install -g yo
Now install the aspnet generator
npm install -g generator-aspnet
Now we have all the setup on your machine. First let's create a new project with DotNetCore basic command and then create a new project using Yo.
New Project Using Command Line
Create a new Project Folder
mkdir CoreApplication cd CoreApplication
Scaffold a very basic dotnet project using default command line option
dotnet New
Use Yeoman as Scaffolding Option
Create Project Folder and Run the Yo Command
yo aspnet
Yeoman will ask some inputs like Project Type, Project Name etc like
Now restore the packages by running dotnet restore command and Run the application
Use VS Code to develop the application
Run the visual studio code like
Now open the files and run the application. You can also search the extension for your help.