Tutorial by Examples

2009 3rd March : The project was named as "node" 1st October : First very early preview of npm, the Node package manager 8th November : Ryan Dahl's (Creator of Node.js) Original Node.js Talk at JSConf 2009 2010 Express: A Node.js web development framework Socket.io initial...
The hooks are all stored in the hooks sub directory of the Git directory. In most projects, that’s .git/hooks. To enable a hook script, put a file in the hooks subdirectory of your .git directory that is named appropriately (without any extension) and is executable.
pre-push script is called by git push after it has checked the remote status, but before anything has been pushed. If this script exits with a non-zero status nothing will be pushed. This hook is called with the following parameters: $1 -- Name of the remote to which the push is being done (Ex: ...
Detailed instructions on getting stored-procedures set up or installed.
Let's say we have a String parameter and we want to split it by comma my_param="foo,bar,bash" To split this string by comma we can use; IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$my_param" Here, IFS is a special variable called Internal field separator which defines the char...
The most popular operating system for the Raspberry Pi is a Debian based Raspbian. It is officially supported by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Raspbian can be downloaded from official Raspberry Pi site in one of two variants: With desktop environment Lite- Minimal image Starting September 20...
It is possible to create own Linux distribution using Yocto Project. For Raspberry Pi- there is a specific layer meta-raspberrypi that needs to be used to create an image.
Windows 10 IoT Core is available only for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. It is important to note that this is not a full version of windows as one might expect, it is designed specifically for IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It will not run most standard windows applications, and does not have a start...
OSMC is a free and open source media player based on Linux.
Linux distribution with features required to run Kodi.
Detailed instructions on getting plone set up or installed.
In computer programming an iterator is an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container, particularly lists. Wikipedia struct Turtle { let name: String } struct Turtles { let turtles: [Turtle] } struct TurtlesIterator: IteratorProtocol { private var current = 0 p...
JUnit can also be used to test if a method throws a specific exception for a given input. In this example we will test if the following method really throws an exception if the Boolean format (input) is not recognized/unknown: public static boolean parseBoolean(@NonNull String raw) throws IllegalA...
JUnit defines quite some assertEquals methods at least one for each primitive type and one for Objects is available. These methods are by default not directly available to call and should be called like this: Assert.assertEquals. But because these methods are used so often people almost always use a...
Terminal Commands: rails g model Product name:string quantity:integer price:decimal{12,2} rake db:migrate Lates create controller. Terminal Commands: rails g controller Products Controller Code: class HistoriesController < ApplicationController def create file = Dir.glob(...
To leverage distributed cache, you'll have to reference one of the available implementations : Redis Sql server For instance you'll register Redis implemention as follows : public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddDistributedRedisCache(options => ...
private final String COLLECTION_NAME = "myCollection"; private final String ZOOKEPER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MS = "1000000" private Map<String, String> getShardLeaders(CloudSolrServer cloudSolrServer) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { Map<String, Stri...
If we have a schema looking like: <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" /> <field name="name" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" /> the solrj co...
If you added successfully documents to Solr using the previous example, you'll be now able to retrieve them in this way: package com.stackoverflow.solrj.example; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.cli...
Data mining is a wide topic, and the term is (unfortunately) very liberally thrown at any topic that involves data processing. Because of this this "documentation" should never have been created in the first place, because it overlaps with other topcis too much, and everything is better di...

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