Tutorial by Examples: and

Add this lane to your Fastfile and run fastlane installAll type:{BUILD_TYPE} in command line. Replace BUILD_TYPE with the build type you want to build. For example: fastlane installAll type:Debug This command will build all flavors of given type and install it to your device. Currently, it doesn't...
Include below CSS to your code <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap3-dialog/1.34.7/css/bootstrap-dialog.min.css&...
Dim oDic Set oDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") oDic.Add "US", "United States of America" oDic.Add "UK", "United Kingdom"
Main layout : activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/activity_main" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layo...
This example shows how auto can be used to shorten type declaration for for loops std::map<int, std::string> Map; for (auto pair : Map) // pair = std::pair<int, std::string> for (const auto pair : Map) // pair = const std::pair<int, std::string> for (c...
Swift does not support multiple inheritance. That is, you cannot inherit from more than one class. class Animal { ... } class Pet { ... } class Dog: Animal, Pet { ... } // This will result in a compiler error. Instead you are encouraged to use composition when creating your types. This can b...
UseExceptionHandler can be used to handle exceptions globally. You can get all the details of exception object like Stack Trace, Inner exception and others. And then you can show them on screen. You can easily implement like this. app.UseExceptionHandler( options => { options.Run( as...
How do you detect them? If the same variable/resource/memory location is accessible by multiple threads and at least of the thread is changing the value of variable/resource/memory location, then Race Condition can occurred. Because if a thread is changing the value of variable/resource/memory ...
From Xcode menu open: Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme. On your Environment Variables set OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable
SELECT item.item_id, item.name, /* not SQL-92 */ COUNT(*) number_of_uses FROM item JOIN uses ON item.item_id, uses.item_id GROUP BY item.item_id will show the rows in a table called item, and show the count of related rows in a table called uses. This works well, but unfo...
Sometimes a query looks like this, with a * in the SELECT clause. SELECT item.*, /* nonstandard */ COUNT(*) number_of_uses FROM item JOIN uses ON item.item_id, uses.item_id GROUP BY item.item_id Such a query needs to be refactored to comply with the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sta...
In lua, the logical operators and and or returns one of the operands as the result instead of a boolean result. As a consequence, this mechanism can be exploited to emulate the behavior of the ternary operator despite lua not having a 'real' ternary operator in the language. Syntax condition and...
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"Ken", @"Tim", @"Chris", @"Steve",@"Charlie",@"Melissa", nil]; NSPredicate *bPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF beginswith[c] 'c'"]; NSArray ...
The package clause is not directly binded with the file where it is found. It is possible to find common elements of the package clause in diferent files. For example, the package clauses bellow can be found in the file math1.scala and in the file math2.scala. File math1.scala package org { ...
Debugging takes time and effort. Instead of chasing bugs with a debugger, consider spending more time on making your code better by: Write and run Tests. Python and Django have great builtin testing frameworks - that can be used to test your code much faster than manually with a debugger. Writ...
What is Concurrency? Doing multiple things at the same time. Taking advantage of number of cores available in multicore CPUs. Running multiple programs in parallel. Objectives of Concurrency Running program in background without hogging CPU. Define Tasks, Define Rules and let...
You can convert tabs to spaces by doing the following: First check that expandtab is switched off :set noexpandtab Then :retab! which replaces spaces of a certain length with tabs If you enable expandtab again :set expandtab then and run the :retab! command then all the tabs becomes spaces...
Let's say that you have the following class: public class PersonInfo { public int ID { get; set; } [Display(Name = "First Name")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your first name!")] public string FirstName{ get; set; } [Display(Name = "L...
Where command line arguments are supported they can be read in via the get_command_argument intrinsic (introduced in the Fortran 2003 standard). The command_argument_count intrinsic provides a way to know the number of arguments provided at the command line. All command-line arguments are read in ...
Slightly counterintuitively (but also the only sane way to make it work), this: val dyn: Dynamic = ??? dyn.x(y) = z is equivalent to: dyn.selectDynamic("x").update(y, z) while dyn.x(y) is still dyn.applyDynamic("x")(y) It is important to be aware of this, or else...

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