Tutorial by Examples: c

An SSH key has two pieces, the public key and the private key. The private key: Is usually in a file named id_rsa, but it can be given any name. CANNOT BE REGENERATED IF LOST!!!! Do not lose this file! If you lose it, you will not be able to get back into your instance. (StackOverflow is li...
A Semantic Model offers a deeper level of interpretation and insight of code compare to a syntax tree. Where syntax trees can tell the names of variables, semantic models also give the type and all references. Syntax trees notice method calls, but semantic models give references to the precise locat...
Create a file named '.jshintrc' in the root of your app, where package.json is. *Note on windows: create a file named "jshintrc.txt". Then rename it to ".jshintrc." (notice the dot at the end). This is a configuration file. It can for example tell jshint to ignore certain varia...
FRP, or Functional Reactive Programming, has some basic terms which you need to know. Every piece of data can be represented as Observable, which is an asynchronous data stream. The power of FRP is in representation synchronous and asynchronous events as streams, Observables, and providing the same...
RxSwift offers many ways to create an Observable, let's take a look: import RxSwift let intObservale = Observable.just(123) // Observable<Int> let stringObservale = Observable.just("RxSwift") // Observable<String> let doubleObservale = Observable.just(3.14) // Observable&...
The special operator block allows grouping of several Lisp forms (like an implicit progn) and it also takes a name to name the block. When the forms within the block are evaluated, the special operator return-from can be used to leave the block. For instance: (block foo (print 'hello) ; e...
When writing macros that expand into forms that might involve grouping, it is worthwhile spending some time considering what grouping construction to expand into. For definition style forms, for instance, a define-widget macro that will usually appear as a top-level form, and that several defuns, d...
You can use npm install -g to install a package "globally." This is typically done to install an executable that you can add to your path to run. For example: npm install -g gulp-cli If you update your path, you can call gulp directly. On many OSes, npm install -g will attempt to writ...
2005 The following iterates over the characters of the string s. It works similarly for looping over the elements of an array or a set, so long as the type of the loop-control variable (c, in this example) matches the element type of the value being iterated. program ForLoopOnString; {$APPTYPE ...
OpenCL is short for Open Computing Language. OpenCL is a Framework for parallel programming across heterogeneous platforms, called compute devices, ranging from CPUs over GPUs to more special platforms like FPGAs. OpenCL provides a standard interface for parallel computing on these compute devices b...
Every Windows Phone project contains App.cs class: public sealed partial class App : Application This class is your global application context. General Application class usage: App entry point, particularly for various activation contracts. Application lifecycle management. Application g...
Perl supports many kinds of conditional statements (statements that are based on boolean results). The most common conditional statements are if-else, unless, and ternary statements. given statements are introduced as a switch-like construct from C-derived languages and are available in versions Per...
// Get the reference to your ListView ListView listResults = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listResults); // Set its adapter listResults.setAdapter(adapter); // Enable filtering in ListView listResults.setTextFilterEnabled(true); // Prepare your adapter for filtering adapter.setFilter...
Many tasks require elevated privileges. You can elevate user privileges to Administrator level for your batch runtime using a shortcut: Press alt+ and the batch file to a selected folder to create a shortcut. Right click and select "Properties". Select the "Shortcut&quo...
In most scripting languages, if a function call fails, it may throw an exception and stop execution of the program. Bash commands do not have exceptions, but they do have exit codes. A non-zero exit code signals failure, however, a non-zero exit code will not stop execution of the program. This can...
The behaviour of virtual functions in constructors and destructors is often confusing when first encountered. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: base() { f("base constructor"); } ~base() { f("base destructor"); } virtual co...
Principal Component Analysis finds sequences of linear combinations of the features. The first linear combination maximizes the variance of the features (subject to a unit constraint). Each of the following linear combinations maximizes the variance of the features in the subspace orthogonal to that...
Security is a very general, broad field, and touches every aspect of development, deployment, support, among other areas. Per the (ISC)2, there are 10 domains, and include Physical security, in addition to the "Software" aspects. The intent of information security is to protect the confid...
We can use the class DateInterval to add or subtract some interval in a DateTime object. See the example below, where we are adding an interval of 7 days and printing a message on the screen: $now = new DateTime();// empty argument returns the current date $interval = new DateInterval('P7D');//th...
Learning the parameters of a prediction function and testing it on the same data is a methodological mistake: a model that would just repeat the labels of the samples that it has just seen would have a perfect score but would fail to predict anything useful on yet-unseen data. This situation is call...

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