Tutorial by Examples

Before you begin tuning your Gradle build for performance, you should establish a baseline and figure out which portions of the build are taking the most time. To do this, you can profile your build by adding the --profile argument to your Gradle command: gradle --profile ./gradlew --profile Af...
If profiling your build shows significant time spend in Configuring Projects, the Configure on Demand option might improve your performance. You can enable Configure on Demand mode by editing $GRADLE_USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties (~/.gradle/gradle.properties by default), and setting org.gradl...
You can set or increase memory usage limits (or other JVM arguments) used for Gradle builds and the Gradle Daemon by editing $GRADLE_USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties (~/.gradle/gradle.properties by default), and setting org.gradle.jvmargs. To configure these limits only for a specific project, e...
You can enable the Gradle Daemon to improve the performance of your builds. The Gradle Daemon keeps the Gradle Framework initialized and running, and caches project data in memory to improve performance. For a Single Build To enable the Daemon for a single build, you can simply pass the --daemon ...
1.6.5 git clone <url> --recursive Clones the repository and also clones all submodules. If the submodules themselves contain additional submodules, Git will also clone those.
A class or struct can also contain another class/struct definition inside itself, which is called a "nested class"; in this situation, the containing class is referred to as the "enclosing class". The nested class definition is considered to be a member of the enclosing class, b...
Our first syntax example shows the animation shorthand property using all of the available properties/parameters: animation: 3s ease-in 1s 2 reverse both paused slidein; /* duration | timing-function | delay | iteration-count | di...
VBA syntax requires that a string-literal appear within " marks, so when your string needs to contain quotation marks, you'll need to escape/prepend the " character with an extra " so that VBA understands that you intend the "" to be interpreted as a " string. 'The fol...
The VBA editor only allows 1023 characters per line, but typically only the first 100-150 characters are visible without scrolling. If you need to assign long string literals, but you want to keep your code readable, you'll need to use line-continuations and concatenation to assign your string. Deb...
VBA defines a number of string constants for special characters like: vbCr : Carriage-Return 'Same as "\r" in C style languages. vbLf : Line-Feed 'Same as "\n" in C style languages. vbCrLf : Carriage-Return & Line-Feed (a new-line in Windows) vbTab: Tab Character vbNul...
Const appName As String = "The App For That"
Dim surname As String 'surname can accept strings of variable length surname = "Smith" surname = "Johnson"
'Declare and assign a 1-character fixed-width string Dim middleInitial As String * 1 'middleInitial must be 1 character in length middleInitial = "M" 'Declare and assign a 2-character fixed-width string `stateCode`, 'must be 2 characters in length Dim stateCode As String * 2 stateC...
'Declare, dimension and assign a string array with 3 elements Dim departments(2) As String departments(0) = "Engineering" departments(1) = "Finance" departments(2) = "Marketing" 'Declare an undimensioned string array and then dynamically assign with 'the results...
VBA offers a Mid function for returning substrings within a string, but it also offers the Mid Statement which can be used to assign substrings or individual characters withing a string. The Mid function will typically appear on the right-hand-side of an assignment statement or in a condition, but ...
p { text-indent: 50px; } The text-indent property specifies how much horizontal space text should be moved before the beginning of the first line of the text content of an element. Resources: Indenting only the first line of text in a paragraph? https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#pr...
The text-decoration property is used to set or remove decorations from text. h1 { text-decoration: none; } h2 { text-decoration: overline; } h3 { text-decoration: line-through; } h4 { text-decoration: underline; } text-decoration can be used in combination with text-decoration-style and text-...
The text-overflow property deals with how overflowed content should be signaled to users. In this example, the ellipsis represents clipped text. .text { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } Unfortunately, text-overflow: ellipsis only works on a single line of text. There is no way...
The word-spacing property specifies the spacing behavior between tags and words. Possible values a positive or negative length (using em px vh cm etc.) or percentage (using %) the keyword normal uses the font's default word spacing the keyword inherit takes the value from the parent element ...
div { direction: ltr; /* Default, text read read from left-to-right */ } .ex { direction: rtl; /* text read from right-to-left */ } .horizontal-tb { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; /* Default, text read from left-to-right and top-to-bottom. */ } .vertical-rtl { writing-mode: v...

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