Tutorial by Examples

To use just the time part of a Date use LocalTime. You can instantiate a LocalTime object in a couple ways LocalTime time = LocalTime.now(); time = LocalTime.MIDNIGHT; time = LocalTime.NOON; time = LocalTime.of(12, 12, 45); LocalTime also has a built in toString method that displays the for...
xml_import_example.info.yml type: module name: XML import example package: Examples description: "This module helps understanding the Batch API and Queue API with an XML import example" core: 8.x xml_import_example.permissions.yml import content from xml: title: 'Import content...
.SD .SD refers to the subset of the data.table for each group, excluding all columns used in by. .SD along with lapply can be used to apply any function to multiple columns by group in a data.table We will continue using the same built-in dataset, mtcars: mtcars = data.table(mtcars) # Let's not ...
There is no built-in to iterate over enumeration. But there are several ways for enum with only consecutive values: enum E { Begin, E1 = Begin, E2, // .. En, End }; for (E e = E::Begin; e != E::End; ++e) { // Do job with e } C++11 with enum clas...
Just as the random forest algorithm may be applied to regression and classification tasks, it can also be extended to survival analysis. In the example below a survival model is fit and used for prediction, scoring, and performance analysis using the package randomForestSRC from CRAN. require(rand...
survival is the most commonly used package for survival analysis in R. Using the built-in lung dataset we can get started with Survival Analysis by fitting a regression model with the survreg() function, creating a curve with survfit(), and plotting predicted survival curves by calling the predict m...
Go to https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software Click the "Windows Installer" link Follow the instructions
To use the Arduino IDE on Windows without needing to install it: Go to https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software Click the "Windows ZIP file for non admin install" link Extract the archive to a folder Open the folder, and double click Arduino.exe
Open a terminal and run: sudo dnf install arduino Open the Arduino application, or type arduino into the terminal
Open a terminal and run: sudo apt-get install arduino Open the Arduino application, or type arduino into the terminal
:set foldmethod={method} sets the fold method for the current window. This determines how folds are manipulated within that window. Valid options for "method" are: manual (folds are manually created and destroyed by the user) indent (folds are created for lines of equal indentation) m...
zf{motion} creates a fold that covers the text that "motion" would cover. {count}zF creates a fold that covers "count" lines. {range}fo[ld] creates a fold for the lines in the provided range. All three commands are valid only when foldmethod is set to manual or marker. In ...
zo opens a fold underneath the cursor. zO opens all folds underneath the cursor, recursively. zc closes a fold underneath the cursor. zC closes all folds underneath the cursor, recursively. za toggles a fold under the cursor (a closed fold is opened, an opened fold is closed). zM closes all f...
zv will ensure the line containing the cursor is not folded. The minimum number of folds required to expose the cursor line will be opened.
library(RODBC) con <- odbcDriverConnect("driver={Sql Server};server=servername;trusted connection=true") dat <- sqlQuery(con, "select * from table"); close(con) This will connect to a SQL Server instance. For more information on what your connection string should loo...
One really good example of a struct is CGPoint; it's a simple value that represents a 2-dimensional point. It has 2 properties, x and y, and can be written as typedef struct { CGFloat x; CGFloat y; } CGPoint; If you used Objective-C for Mac or iOS app development before, you've almost...
Applying css intuitively doesn't produce the desired results because vertical-align:middle isn't applicable to block-level elements margin-top:auto and margin-bottom:auto used values would compute as zero margin-top:-50% percentage-based margin values are calculated relative to the width of ...
The diamond problem, or multiple inheritance, is handled by Scala using Traits, which are similar to Java interfaces. Traits are more flexible than interfaces and can include implemented methods. This makes traits similar to mixins in other languages. Scala does not support inheritance from multipl...
var go = GameObject.Find("NameOfTheObject"); ProsConsEasy to usePerformance degrades along the number of gameobjects in sceneStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors
var go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); ProsConsPossible to search both single objects and entire groupsStrings are weak references and suspect to user errors.Relatively fast and efficientCode is not portable as tags are hard coded in scripts.

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