Tutorial by Examples

Professionally made web applications don't expose the internal details of the server environment to the user. When you place an order at your retailer, you don't see (or have to type) https://mydealer.com:8443/Dealerapp/entryPage.html, but just mydealer.com, although the app server needs all the det...
Angular 1 is at heart a DOM compiler. We can pass it HTML, either as a template or just as a regular web page, and then have it compile an app. We can tell Angular to treat a region of the page as an expression using the {{ }} handlebars style syntax. Anything between the curly braces will be compi...
To start Alfresco: Switch to the alfresco user Change to the $ALFRESCO_HOME directory Run ./alfresco.sh start To stop Alfresco: Switch to the alfresco user Change to the $ALFRESCO_HOME directory Run ./alfresco.sh start
Alfresco logs live in $ALFRESCO_HOME/tomcat/logs/catalina.out.
There are many ways to backup an Alfresco system. It is important that you backup the database as well as the content store. You may also want to back up the Solr indices. Assuming you installed using the binary installer, and everything lives in $ALRESCO_HOME, you can backup the database like this...
A behavior based animation allows you to specify that when a property changes the change should be animated over time. ProgressBar { id: progressBar from: 0 to: 100 Behavior on value { NumberAnimation { duration: 250 } } } In this example ...
int[string] aa0 = ["x": 5, "y": 6]; //int values, string keys auto aa1 = ["x": 5.0, "y": 6.0]; // double values, string keys string[int] aa2 = [10: "A", 11: "B"]; //string values, int keys
int[string] aa = ["x": 5, "y": 6]; // The value can be set by its key: aa["x"] = 7; assert(aa["x"] == 7); // if the key does not exist will be added aa["z"] = 8; assert(aa["z"] == 8);
Let's assume an associative array aa: int[string] aa = ["x": 5, "y": 6]; Items can be removed by using .remove(), if key exits will be removed and remove returns true: assert(aa.remove("x")); if the given key does not exist remove does nothing and returns false:...
The StretchViewport is a Viewporttype, which supports a virtual screen size. This allowes you to define a fixed (resolution independent) width and height. The StretchViewport, as the name suggests, stretches the virtual screen, if the virtual aspect ratio does not match the real aspect ratio. The ...
content-model.xml : .... <constraints> <constraint name="my:aConstraintList" type="x.y.z.project.model.constraint.AConstraintList"> </constraint> .... <property name="my:aValue"> <title>My Value</title> <typ...
Scala's implementation of type classes is rather verbose. One way to reduce the verbosity is to introduce so-called "Operation Classes". These classes will automatically wrap a variable/value when they are imported to extend functionality. To illustrate this, let us first create a simple ...
A layout manager for templated views. Used within a ControlTemplate to mark where the content to be presented appears.
An element with a single content. ContentView has very little use of its own. Its purpose is to serve as a base class for user-defined compound views. XAML <ContentView> <Label Text="Hi, I'm a simple Label inside of a simple ContentView" HorizontalOptions="Center" ...
An element containing a single child, with some framing options. Frame have a default Xamarin.Forms.Layout.Padding of 20. XAML <Frame> <Label Text="I've been framed!" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" /> </Frame> Code var ...
An element capable of scrolling if it's Content requires. ScrollView contains layouts and enables them to scroll offscreen. ScrollView is also used to allow views to automatically move to the visible portion of the screen when the keyboard is showing. Note: ScrollViews should not be nested. In a...
An element that displays content with a control template, and the base class for ContentView.
AbsoluteLayout positions and sizes child elements proportional to its own size and position or by absolute values. Child views may be positioned and sized using proportional values or static values, and proportional and static values can be mixed. A definition of an AbsoluteLayout in XAML looks l...
A layout containing views arranged in rows and columns. This is a typical Grid definition in XAML. <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="2*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="200" /> ...
A Layout that uses Constraints to layout its children. RelativeLayout is used to position and size views relative to properties of the layout or sibling views. Unlike AbsoluteLayout, RelativeLayout does not have the concept of the moving anchor and does not have facilities for positioning elements ...

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