Tutorial by Examples

// Model is the class that contains the student data send by the controller and will be rendered in the view @model ContosoUniversity.Models.Student <h2>Details</h2> <div> <h4>Student</h4> <hr /> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <...
Sample build.gradle file: plugin: 'java' repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() jcenter() } dependencies { compile "org.testng:testng:6.9.12" } test { useTestNG() { suiteXmlBuilder().suite(name: 'Sample Suite') { test(name : 'Sample Te...
Most looping and conditional constructs in Common Lisp are actually macros that hide away more basic constructs. For example, dotimes and dolist are built upon the do macro. The form for do looks like this: (do (varlist) (endlist) &body) varlist is composed of the variables define...
What are themes? There are several visual appearance out there for Bootstrap, which can be found from sources, such as Bootswatch, which are modifying the bootstrap.min.css file. You can also create your own theme this way. When to modify themes and when to add new rules to a site.css file? When ...
You will have to import UserNotifications @import UserNotifications; 2.Request authorization for localNotification let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() center.requestAuthorization([.alert, .sound]) { (granted, error) in // Enable or disable features based on authorizat...
A book explaining how Vimscript works, full of examples. It can be found on http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/
For this the best solution is using actions. To add a new action to an actors in Scene2D just call: Action action = Actions.moveTo(x,y,duration); actorObject.addAction(action); Where x and y is the target location and duration is the speed of this movement in seconds(float). If you want to sto...
Start from a Cython program with a entrypoint: def do_stuff(): cdef int a,b,c a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 print("Hello World!") print([a,b,c]) input("Press Enter to continue.") Create a setup.py file in the same folder: from distutils.core import set...
For automation of the above procedure in Windows use a .bat of the similar contents: del "main.exe" python setup.py build_ext --inplace del "*.c" rmdir /s /q ".\build" pyinstaller --onefile "main.py" copy /y ".\dist\main.exe" ".\main.exe&q...
To add Numpy to the bundle, modify the setup.py with include_dirs keyword and necessary import the numpy in the wrapper Python script to notify Pyinstaller. program.pyx: import numpy as np cimport numpy as np def do_stuff(): print("Hello World!") cdef int n n = 2 ...
Represents the definition of a single approval process. Use this object to read the description of an approval process. The definition is read-only. We can not modify the record created in ProcessDefinition Object. But we can describe, query, search and retrieve the approval processes information. ...
Represents the Process Steps created for particular approval process(ProcessDefinition). This object is used to read the description of process step. In simple words ProcessNode records describes a step in a process definition. We can describe, query, search and retrieve the approval processes Steps...
Represents an instance of a single, complete approval process. ProcessInstance record is created every time for particular object record which is submitted for approval. Its is also read-only object. We can describe, query and retrieve the approval processes Instance. ~ Query ~ SELECT CompletedDat...
Both objects ProcessInstanceStep & ProcessInstanceWorkItem are instances of process steps that are created for particular ProcessInstance. ProcessInstanceStep represents a step instance in an approval process (ProcessInstance) on which users has already acted and ProcessInstanceWorkItem represen...
The ProcessInstanceHistory is the object which is neither searchable nor queryable & this is the read-only object which shows all steps and pending approval requests associated with an approval process (ProcessInstance). But we can use this object to replicate the related list functionality of t...
You can use async methods to handle asynchronous executions. For example POST and GET requests. Let say below is your get data method. Task<List> GetDataFromServer(int type); You can call that method as shown below var result = await GetDataFromServer(1); However, in real day practic...
This example serves as a complement to other examples which talk about how to use the lifecycle methods and when the method will be called. This example summarize Which methods (componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, etc) will be called and in which sequence will be different for a componen...
This is the default ansible.cfg from Ansible github. # config file for ansible -- http://ansible.com/ # ============================================== # nearly all parameters can be overridden in ansible-playbook # or with command line flags. ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG, # ansible.cfg in...
Add the following to Web.config (in Views folder), within <appSettings>: <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true"/> <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true"/> Add the jqueryval bundle to BundleConfig.cs: bundles.Add(n...
This attribute handles all unhandled exceptions in the code, (this is mostly for Ajax Requests - that deal with JSON - but can be extended) public class ExceptionHandlerAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute { /// <summary> /// Overriden method to handle exception /// </summary...

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