Tutorial by Examples: al

JSON is a cross language, widely used method to serialize data Supported data types : int, float, boolean, string, list and dict. See -> JSON Wiki for more Here is an example demonstrating the basic usage of JSON :- import json families = (['John'], ['Mark', 'David', {'name': 'Avraham'}]) ...
Here is an example demonstrating the basic usage of pickle:- # Importing pickle try: import cPickle as pickle # Python 2 except ImportError: import pickle # Python 3 # Creating Pythonic object: class Family(object): def __init__(self, names): self.sons = names ...
The Firebase Realtime Database is schemaless. This makes it easy to change things as you develop, but once your app is ready to distribute, it's important for data to stay consistent. The rules language includes a .validate rule which allows you to apply validation logic using the same expressions u...
Every thread has access to a mutable dictionary that is local to the current thread. This allows to cache informations in an easy way without the need for locking, as each thread has its own dedicated mutable dictionary: NSMutableDictionary *localStorage = [NSThread currentThread].threadDictionary;...
If you have one of the supported Linux distributions, you can follow the steps on the .NET Core website: https://www.microsoft.com/net If you have an unsupported distribution: Download the .NET Core SDK from the links, picking the distribution closer to the used one. https://www.microsoft.com/net...
With more and more battery optimizations being put into the Android system over time, the methods of the AlarmManager have also significantly changed (to allow for more lenient timing). However, for some applications it is still required to be as exact as possible on all Android versions. The follow...
You can run a play which relies on vault-encrypted templates by using the local_action module. --- - name: Decrypt template local_action: "shell {{ view_encrypted_file_cmd }} {{ role_path }}/templates/template.enc > {{ role_path }}/templates/template" changed_when: False - ...
private Typeface myFont; // A good practice might be to call this in onCreate() of a custom // Application class and pass 'this' as Context. Your font will be ready to use // as long as your app lives public void initFont(Context context) { myFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAss...
Thus these variables will use dynamic binding. (defparameter count 0) ;; All uses of count will refer to this one (defun handle-number (number) (incf count) (format t "~&~d~%" number)) (dotimes (count 4) ;; count is shadowed, but still special (handle-number coun...
#If Vba7 Then ' It's important to check for Win64 first, ' because Win32 will also return true when Win64 does. #If Win64 Then Declare PtrSafe Function GetFoo64 Lib "exampleLib32" () As LongLong #Else Declare PtrSafe Function GetFoo Lib "exampl...
Another use of RODBC is in connecting with SQL Server Management Database. We need to specify the 'Driver' i.e. SQL Server here, the database name "Atilla" and then use the sqlQuery to extract either the full table or a fraction of it. library(RODBC) cn <- odbcDriverConnect(connect...
Every Time you create an anonymous class, it retains an implicit reference to its parent class. So when you write: public class LeakyActivity extends Activity { ... foo.registerCallback(new BarCallback() { @Override public void onBar() { ...
If you are optimizing all images manually, disable APT Cruncher for a smaller APK file size. android { aaptOptions { cruncherEnabled = false } }
SELECT DISTINCT ContinentCode FROM Countries; This query will return all DISTINCT (unique, different) values from ContinentCode column from Countries table ContinentCodeOCEUASNAAF SQLFiddle Demo
The original default colourmap of MATLAB (replaced in version R2014b) called jet is ubiquitous due to its high contrast and familiarity (and was the default of matplotlib for compatibility reasons). Despite its popularity, traditional colormaps often have deficiencies when it comes to representing d...
The getopts builtin can be used inside functions to write functions that accommodate flags and optional parameters. This presents no special difficulty but one has to handle appropriately the values touched by getopts. As an example, we define a failwith function that writes a message on stderr an...
In elm, a function's value is computed when the last argument is applied. In the example below, the diagnostic from log will be printed when f is invoked with 3 arguments or a curried form of f is applied with the last argument. import String import Debug exposing (log) f a b c = String.join &...
When reading tabular datasets with the read.* functions, R automatically looks for missing values that look like "NA". However, missing values are not always represented by NA. Sometimes a dot (.), a hyphen(-) or a character-value (e.g.: empty) indicates that a value is NA. The na.strings ...
Install the stable release from CRAN: install.packages("data.table") Or the development version from github: install.packages("data.table", type = "source", repos = "http://Rdatatable.github.io/data.table") To revert from devel to CRAN, the ...
It is always recommend to go to the LLVM official website and follow the installation guides depending on your OS. If you are working on posix then in short you have to add one of the official LLVM package repositories. For example if you work on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) you add a deb and deb-src entr...

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