Tutorial by Examples

Real Number Basics - 6.0; val it = 6.0 : real - ~6.0; val it = ~6.0 : real - 6.0 + ~6.0; val it = 0.0 : real - 6.0 / 3.0; val it = 2.0 : real - 4.0 / 6.0; val it = 0.666666666667 : real Real Value Bounds Using Real Basis Library Functions - Real.maxFinite; val it = 1.79769313486E308 ...
Rounding Values midway between two integers go toward the nearest even value. - round(4.5); val it = 4 : int - round(3.5); val it = 4 : int Truncation val it = 4 : int - trunc(4.5); val it = 4 : int - trunc(3.5); val it = 3 : int Floor and Ceiling - ceil(4.5); val it = 5 : int - f...
Cannot add Integer and Real* - 5 + 1.0; stdIn:1.2-10.4 Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict] operator domain: [+ ty] * [+ ty] operand: [+ ty] * real in expression: 5 + 1.0
- real(6); val it = 6.0 : real
Instead of running intensive tasks into JavaFX Thread that should be done into a Service.So what basically is a Service? A Service is a class which is creating a new Thread every time you are starting it and is passing a Task to it to do some work.The Service can return or not a value. Below is ...
Standard ML doesn't have built-in support for lazy evaluation. Some implementations, notably SML/NJ, have nonstandard lazy evaluation primitives, but programs that use those primitives won't be portable. Lazy suspensions can also be implemented in a portable manner, using Standard ML's module system...
JavaFX has a binding API, which provides ways of binding one property to the other. This means that whenever one property's value is changed, the value of the bound property is updated automatically. An example of simple binding: SimpleIntegerProperty first =new SimpleIntegerProperty(5); //create a...
Installation Additional dependencies are required for Redis support. Install both Celery and the dependencies in one go using the celery[redis] bundle: $ pip install -U celery[redis] Configuration Configure the location of your Redis database: BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/0' The UR...
Case 1: While using in the place of method arguments. If a method requires an object of wrapper class as argument.Then interchangeably the argument can be passed a variable of the respective primitive type and vice versa. Example: int i; Integer j; void ex_method(Integer i)//Is a valid statem...
You can access the command line arguments passed to your program using the std::env::args() function. This returns an Args iterator which you can loop over or collect into a Vec. Iterating Through Arguments use std::env; fn main() { for argument in env::args() { if argument == &qu...
For larger command line programs, using std::env::args() is quite tedious and difficult to manage. You can use clap to handle your command line interface, which will parse arguments, generate help displays and avoid bugs. There are several patterns that you can use with clap, and each one provides ...
Jersey (2) uses HK2 as its dependency injection (DI) system. We can use other injection systems, but its infrastructure is built with HK2, and allows us to also use it within our applications. Setting up simple dependency injection with Jersey takes just a few lines of code. Let say for example we ...
To list available login shells : cat /etc/shells Example: $ cat /etc/shells # /etc/shells: valid login shells /bin/sh /bin/dash /bin/bash /bin/rbash
Say you have a Parent class and a Child class. To construct a Child instance always requires some Parent constructor to be run at the very gebinning of the Child constructor. We can select the Parent constructor we want by explicitly calling super(...) with the appropriate arguments as our first Chi...
This is same as reading a manual for a command: man /path/to/man/file
Simple way to share a message or link, copy text to clipboard, or open a browser in any Xamarin or Windows app. Available on NuGet : https://www.nuget.org/packages/Plugin.Share/ XAML <StackLayout Padding="20" Spacing="20"> <Button StyleId="Text" Text...
A TabbedPage is similar to a NavigationPage in that it allows for and manages simple navigation between several child Page objects. The difference is that generally speaking, each platform displays some sort of bar at the top or bottom of the screen that displays most, if not all, of the availabl...
Spring Boot is a bootstrapping framework for Spring applications. It has seamless support for integrating with Jersey also. One of the advantages of this (from the perspective of a Jersey user), is that you have access to Spring's vast ecosystem. To get started, create a new standalone (non-wepapp)...
You shouldn't throw raw values as exceptions, instead use one of the standard exception classes or make your own. Having your own exception class inherited from std::exception is a good way to go about it. Here's a custom exception class which directly inherits from std::exception: #include <ex...
Why annotations? Generally we use annotation to facilitate the development and to make the code more clear and clean. What are annotations? Java 5 annotations provide standardization of metadata in a general goal. This metadata associated with Java features can be exploited in the compilation or ...

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