Tutorial by Examples: ase

Public Function GetUserFirstName(UserName As String) As String Dim Firstname As String = "" 'Specify the SQL that you want to use including a Parameter Dim SQL As String = "select firstname from users where username=@UserName" 'Provide a Data Sourc...
You can also update data in a table based on data from another table: UPDATE person SET state_code = cities.state_code FROM cities WHERE cities.city = city; Here we are joining the person city column to the cities city column in order to get the city's state code. This is then used to updat...
One of the most useful queries for end users of large RDBMS's is a search of an information schema. Such a query allows users to rapidly find database tables containing columns of interest, such as when attempting to relate data from 2 tables indirectly through a third table, without existing knowl...
When results need to have some logic applied 'on the fly' one can use CASE statement to implement it. SELECT CASE WHEN Col1 < 50 THEN 'under' ELSE 'over' END threshold FROM TableName also can be chained SELECT CASE WHEN Col1 < 50 THEN 'under' WHEN Col1 > 50 AND Col1 ...
DECLARE @DateFrom DATETIME = '2016-06-01 06:00' DECLARE @DateTo DATETIME = '2016-07-01 06:00' DECLARE @IntervalDays INT = 7 -- Transition Sequence = Rest & Relax into Day Shift into Night Shift -- RR (Rest & Relax) = 1 -- DS (Day Shift) = 2 -- NS (Night Shift) = 3 ;WITH roster AS ...
This example demonstrates creating a basic application in ExtJS using Sencha Cmd to bootstrap the process - this method will automatically generate some code and a skeleton structure for the project. Open a console window and change the working directory to an appropriate space in which to work. ...
Service Code angular.module('myModule', []) .service('myService', function() { this.doSomething = function(someNumber) { return someNumber + 2; } }); The test describe('myService', function() { var myService; beforeEach(function() { module('myModule'); inj...
UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC driver that allows us to read from and write to Access databases without using ODBC. It uses two other packages, Jackcess and HSQLDB, to perform these tasks. Once it has been set up*, we can work with data in .accdb and .mdb files using code like this: import java.sq...
I have the following list: 1. Alon Cohen 2. Elad Yaron 3. Yaron Amrani 4. Yogev Yaron I want to select the first name of the guys with the Yaron surname. Since I don't care about what number it is I'll just put it as whatever digit it is and a matching dot and space after it from the beginni...
Many commands and programs in the remote side are screen-based (e.g. mc) or they need to ask password (e.g. sudo), to be able to run these kind of programs you can use option -t. ssh -t [email protected] sudo ls / [sudo] password for alice: bin root dev etc home lib mnt opt proc root run usr ...
Creating a database in a particular location. If we dont specify any location for database its created in warehouse directory. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db_name COMMENT 'TEST DATABASE' LOCATION /PATH/HDFS/DATABASE/;
If you're doing multiple long calculations, you can run them at the same time on different threads on your computer. To do this, we make a new Thread and have it point to a different method. using System.Threading; class MainClass { static void Main() { var thread = new Thread(Seco...
The Firebase Realtime Database allows ordering and querying data. For small data sizes, the database supports ad hoc querying, so indexes are generally not required during development. Before launching your app though, it is important to specify indexes for any queries you have to ensure they contin...
Another use of RODBC is in connecting with SQL Server Management Database. We need to specify the 'Driver' i.e. SQL Server here, the database name "Atilla" and then use the sqlQuery to extract either the full table or a fraction of it. library(RODBC) cn <- odbcDriverConnect(connect...
The following example is from 0.5 - 0.7 days, and illustrates how to log an error when the database hasn't populated the client side cursor yet. Template.landingPage.postsList = function(){ try{ return Posts.find(); }catch(error){ //color code the error (red) console.error(erro...
If you're running a replica set or have a need to shard your database, you'll want an upstart script that looks something like this: # /etc/init/myapp.conf description "myapp.mydomain.com" author "[email protected]" # used to be: start on startup # until we found som...
https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ https://github.com/phusion/passenger https://github.com/phusion/passenger/wiki/Phusion-Passenger:-Meteor-tutorial#wiki-installing
layout_text_to_speech.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:pad...

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