Tutorial by Examples: connect

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; //connection with mongoDB MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/MyDb", function (err, db) { //check the connection if(err){ console.log("connection failed."); }else{ ...
To list the available databases, use the following command: $ show databases name: databases name ---- _internal devices ... list of your databases You can connect to one specific database: $ use <database_name> By using a single database, the scope for each subsequent query wi...
Once you have discovered a desired BluetoothDevice object, you can connect to it by using its connectGatt() method which takes as parameters a Context object, a boolean indicating whether to automatically connect to the BLE device and a BluetoothGattCallback reference where connection events and cli...
If we want to remove some database connection from the list of database connections. we need to use QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(),however it's a static function and the way it work is a little wired. // WRONG WAY QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("sales"); QSqlQuery query(&...
<?php $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "database"); ?>
Create a Cloud SQL instance $dsn = "/cloudsql/PROJECT:REGION:INSTANCE;dbname=DATABASE"; $user = "USER"; $password = "PASSWORD"; $db = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password); //Whatever is your favorite MySQL connection method The important part here is /cloudsql/PRO...
The QSqlDatabase class provides an interface for accessing a database through a connection. An instance of QSqlDatabase represents the connection. The connection provides access to the database via one of the supported database drivers. Make sure to Add QT += SQL in the .pro file. Assume an SQ...
When trying to open a Database Connection with QODBC please ensure You have QODBC driver available Your server has an ODBC interface and is enabled to (this depends on your ODBC driver installations) use shared memory access, TCP/IP connections or named pipe connection. All connections only ...
In this document we'll see how to create a Google Cloud SQL Instance and connect them in your Google App Engine application and MySQL Workbench admin tool. Google Cloud SQL: Google Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set-up, maintain, manage and administer your rela...
Create a Redux store with createStore. import { createStore } from 'redux' import todoApp from './reducers' let store = createStore(todoApp, { inistialStateVariable: "derp"}) Use connect to connect component to Redux store and pull props from store to component. import { connect } f...
While building electron apps, usually the backend is in separate folder (js files) and front end is in a separate folder (html files). In the backend, in order to use the database, we have to include the nedb package with the require statement as follows. var Datastore = require('nedb'),db = new Da...
Please me mindful of importing all necessary libraries required. This example uses InMemoryDbService from angular-in-memory-web-api to provide the JSON data from mock API. Live demo service.ts: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Headers, Http } from '@angular/http'; import...
Steps to create MYSQL database Login to amazon account and select RDS service Select Launch DB Instance from the instance tab By defaul MYSQL Community Edition will be selected, hence click the select button Select the database purpose, say production and click next step Provide the mysql ver...
var sck = "wss://site.com/wss-handler"; var wss = new WebSocket(sck); This uses the wss instead of ws to make a secure web socket connection which make use of HTTPS instead of HTTP

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