Tutorial by Examples

Once you're up with a new project with the basic template provided in the Introduction, you should be able to add a LUISRecognizer like so - var model = '' // Your LUIS Endpoint link comes here var recognizer = new builder.LuisRecognizer(model); Now, recognizer is a LUISRecognizer and can pa...
Creating a LUIS Model requires little to no programming experience. However, you need to be familiar with 2 important terms that will be used extensively. Intents - These are how you identify functions that need to be executed when the user types in something. Eg - An intent named Hi will identif...
An entity is the information that your bot extracts from a particular utterance conforming to an intent. Eg- Let My name is John Doe belong to an intent called introduction. For your bot to understand and extract the name John Doe from the sentence, you need to define an entity which does so. You c...

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