Tutorial by Examples

The D programming language's standard compiler DMD can run on all major platforms. To install DMD see here. To install by command line you may run the command (found on the D website): curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s dmd Package Managers Arch Linux pacman -S dlang Chocolate...
import std.stdio; // Let's get going! void main() { writeln("Hello World!"); } To compile and run, save this text as a file called main.d. From the command line run dmd main.d to compile the program. Finally, run ./main to execute the program in a bash shell or you can click ...
To create the classic "Hello, world" printing program, create a file called hello.d with a text editor containing the following code : import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, World!"); //writeln() automatically adds a newline (\n) to the output } Explanati...
import std.format; void main() { string s = "Name Surname 18"; string name, surname; int age; formattedRead(s, "%s %s %s", &name, &surname, &age); // %s selects a format based on the corresponding argument's type } Official documentatio...

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