Tutorial by Examples

Composer is a dependency/package manager for PHP. It can be used to install, keep track of, and update your project dependencies. Composer also takes care of autoloading the dependencies that your application relies on, letting you easily use the dependency inside your project without worrying about...
While composer provides a system to manage dependencies for PHP projects (e.g. from Packagist), it can also notably serve as an autoloader, specifying where to look for specific namespaces or include generic function files. It starts with the composer.json file: { // ... "autoload&q...
Composer tracks which versions of packages you have installed in a file called composer.lock, which is intended to be committed to version control, so that when the project is cloned in the future, simply running composer install will download and install all the project's dependencies. Composer de...
composer update composer update will update our dependencies as they are specified in composer.json. For example, if our project uses this configuration: "require": { "laravelcollective/html": "2.0.*" } Supposing we have actually installed the 2.0.1 version ...
CommandUsageaboutShort information about ComposerarchiveCreate an archive of this composer packagebrowseOpens the package's repository URL or homepage in your browser.clear-cacheClears composer's internal package cache.clearcacheClears composer's internal package cache.configSet config optionscreate...
You may install Composer locally, as part of your project, or globally as a system wide executable. Locally To install, run these commands in your terminal. php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" # to check the validity of the downloaded installer, ch...

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