Tutorial by Examples

val foo : Int by lazy { 1 + 1 } println(foo) The example prints 2.
var foo : Int by Delegates.observable("1") { property, oldValue, newValue -> println("${property.name} was changed from $oldValue to $newValue") } foo = 2 The example prints foo was changed from 1 to 2
val map = mapOf("foo" to 1) val foo : String by map println(foo) The example prints 1
class MyDelegate { operator fun getValue(owner: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String { return "Delegated value" } } val foo : String by MyDelegate() println(foo) The example prints Delegated value
Consider Kotlin's Null Type system and WeakReference<T>. So let's say we have to save some sort of reference and we wanted to avoid memory leaks, here is where WeakReference comes in. take for example this: class MyMemoryExpensiveClass { companion object { var reference: WeakR...

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