Tutorial by Examples

ActionScript 3 can be used by installing the Adobe AIR SDK or Apache Flex SDK or as part Adobe's Animate CC product (formerly known as Flash Professional). Adobe Animate CC is a professional software solution that can be used to create AS3 projects using visual tools - once installed, no further st...
An example document class that prints “Hello, World” to the debug console when instantiated. import flash.display.Sprite; public class Main extends Sprite { public function Main() { super(); trace("Hello, World"); } }
FlashDevelop is a multi-platform open source IDE created in 2005 for Flash developers. With no cost, it's a very popular way to get started developing with AS3. To Install FlashDevelop: Download The Installation File and run the installer Once installation is complete, run FlashDevelop. On the ...
from http://flex.apache.org/doc-getstarted.html Download the SDK installer Run the SDK installer. The first question you will be asked is the installation directory. on a Mac, use /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/sdks/4.14.0/ on a PC, use C:\Program Files(x86)\Adobe Flash Builder ...
The Flex compiler (mxmlc) is one of the most important parts of the Flex SDK. You can edit AS3 code in any text editor you like. Create a main class file that extends from DisplayObject. You can trigger builds at the command line as follows: mxmlc -source-path="." -default-size [width in...
package { import flash.text.TextField; import flash.display.Sprite; public class TextHello extends Sprite { public function TextHello() { var tf:TextField = new TextField(); tf.text = "Hello World!" tf.x = 50; tf...

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