Tutorial by Examples

This has been mentioned in other hybrid topics again and again. The old-school, but easy method to run Powershell is by: echoing the Powershell script into a temporary script Execute the temporary script Optionally remove the temporary script This is a sample script. @echo off echo power...
Using the POWERSHELL command, we can execute a 1-line command directly from a batch script, without any temporary file. Here's the syntax. powershell.exe -Command <yourPowershellCommandHere> You may also want to include other flags, like -Nologo to improve the actual outcome.
This is the approach proposed by the stackoverflow's user rojo which also can handle the command line arguments : <# : batch portion @echo off & setlocal (for %%I in ("%~f0";%*) do @echo(%%~I) | ^ powershell -noprofile "$argv = $input | ?{$_}; iex (${%~f0} | out-string)&q...

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