Tutorial by Examples

You can create a new notebook in RStudio with the menu command File -> New File -> R Notebook If you don't see the option for R Notebook, then you need to update your version of RStudio. For installation of RStudio follow this guide
Chunks are pieces of code that can be executed interactively. In-order to insert a new chunk by clicking on the insert button present on the notebook toolbar and select your desired code platform (R in this case, since we want to write R code). Alternatively we can use keyboard shortcuts to insert a...
You can run the current chunk by clicking Run current Chunk (green play button) present on the right side of the chunk. Alternatively we can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Enter (OS X: Cmd + Shift + Enter) The output from all the lines in the chunk will appear beneath the chunk. Splitting Co...
When you execute code in a notebook, an indicator will appear in the gutter to show you execution progress. Lines of code which have been sent to R are marked with dark green; lines which have not yet been sent to R are marked with light green. Executing Multiple Chunks Running or Re-Running indiv...
Before rendering the final version of a notebook we can preview the output. Click on the Preview button on the toolbar and select the desired output format. You can change the type of output by using the output options as "pdf_document" or "html_notebook"
When a notebook .Rmd is saved, an .nb.html file is created alongside it. This file is a self-contained HTML file which contains both a rendered copy of the notebook with all current chunk outputs (suitable for display on a website) and a copy of the notebook .Rmd itself. More info can be found at R...

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