Tutorial by Examples

Use .outerHTML to get the HTML Here is a code sample to get the entire HTML of the website private async void GetHTMLAsync() { var siteHtML = await webView.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { "document.documentElement.outerHTML;" }); }
Use .innerText to set the value Here is a code sample to enter text in Search Box on Bing website private async void EnterTextAsync(string enterText) { var functionString = string.Format(@"document.getElementsByClassName('b_searchbox')[0].innerText = '{0}';", enterText); await...
Use .click() to simulate click Here is a code sample to click search button on Bing website private async void SimulateClickAsync() { var functionString = string.Format(@"document.getElementsByClassName('b_searchboxSubmit')[0].click();"); await webView.InvokeScriptAsync("...

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