Tutorial by Examples

PSR-4 is an accepted recommendation that outlines the standard for autoloading classes via filenames. This recommendation is recommended as the alternative to the earlier (and now deprecated) PSR-0. The fully qualified class name should match the following requirement: \<NamespaceName>(\&lt...
PSR-1 is an accepted recommendation and outlines a basic standard recommendation for how code should be written. It outlines naming convetions for classes, methods and constants. It makes adopting PSR-0 or PSR-4 recommendations a requirement. It indicates which PHP tags to use: <?php and &lt...
PSR-8 is a spoof PSR (currently in Draft) proposed by Larry Garfield as an April Fools joke on 1 April 2014. The draft outlines how to define an interface to make an object Huggable. Excert from the code outline: <?php namespace Psr\Hug; /** * Defines a huggable object. * * A hugga...

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