Tutorial by Examples

From NSString: NSString *urlString = @"https://www.stackoverflow.com"; NSURL *myUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString]; You can also use the following methods: - initWithString: + URLWithString:relativeToURL: - initWithString:relativeToURL: + fileURLWithPath:isDirectory: - initF...
NSString *urlString = @"https://www.stackoverflow.com"; NSURL *myUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString]; NSURL *myUrl2 = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString]; if ([myUrl isEqual:myUrl2]) return YES;
1. URLByDeletingPathExtension: If the receiver represents the root path, this property contains a copy of the original URL. If the URL has multiple path extensions, only the last one is removed. 2. URLByAppendingPathExtension: Returns a new URL made by appending a path extension to the original U...

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