Tutorial by Examples

<?php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++): do_something($i); endfor; ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++): ?> <p>Do something in HTML with <?php echo $i; ?></p> <?php endfor; ?>
<?php while ($condition): do_something(); endwhile; ?> <?php while ($condition): ?> <p>Do something in HTML</p> <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php foreach ($collection as $item): do_something($item); endforeach; ?> <?php foreach ($collection as $item): ?> <p>Do something in HTML with <?php echo $item; ?></p> <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php switch ($condition): case $value: do_something(); break; default: do_something_else(); break; endswitch; ?> <?php switch ($condition): ?> <?php case $value: /* having whitespace before your cases will cause an error */ ?&g...
<?php if ($condition): do_something(); elseif ($another_condition): do_something_else(); else: do_something_different(); endif; ?> <?php if ($condition): ?> <p>Do something in HTML</p> <?php elseif ($another_condition): ?> <p>...

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